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phoenix police department

Phoenix Police Exposed: Criminal Conspiracy Against Rights & Deprivation of rights under color of law

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Corruption within law enforcement is not just an isolated incident but often a pattern of systemic issues that pervade entire departments. The Phoenix Police Department (PPD) stands accused of serious wrongdoing, including abuse of authority, criminal conduct, and violations of civil, constitutional, and human rights. My personal experience with the PPD and the findings from the latest Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation reveal a disturbing pattern of criminal conspiracy and deprivation of rights under color of law. This blog aims to shed light on these abuses, backed by irrefutable facts, proofs, and evidence.

A Case of Wrongful Conviction: Ewing Redmond Samuels III

In February 2017, I was wrongfully convicted due to false police reports and an indictment obtained by Phoenix Police Detective Marchele Miller. Despite her criminal history and arrest record by the Chandler Police, which was concealed by the Maricopa County Attorney Lori Eidemanis, David Foster and William Montgomery (now an Arizona Supreme Court Justice), Miller’s fabricated charges led to my unlawful imprisonment. My case exemplifies the habitual and routine pattern of corruption within the PPD and law enforcement in Arizona. Even though Detective Marchele Miller was in possession of all the proof and evidence from the Database of the Phoenix Police Department itself, she chose to engage in kidnapping of my 5 year old child, concealment of the murder of Royce Emmett Walker by the PPD’s confidential informant Jamil Curd, concealment of 5 arrest warrants at the time and at trial, cover-up, criminal conspiracy, and deprivation of rights under color of law all on the account of my race, color, and national origin.

Key Facts and Evidence

  1. False Police Report and Indictment: Detective Marchele Miller’s false reports and the subsequent indictment were pivotal in my wrongful conviction. Miller’s credibility was compromised by her undisclosed criminal history, which should have disqualified her from any investigatory role, under the law.
  2. DOJ Findings: The recent DOJ investigation into the Phoenix Police Department uncovered widespread abuses and violations of civil rights. The report, which included numerous instances of excessive force, wrongful arrests, and discriminatory practices, supports my claims of systemic corruption.
  3. Criminal Statutes Violated: The actions of the PPD violate Title 18 USC §§ 241 and 242, which pertain to conspiracy against rights and deprivation of rights under color of law. These statutes make it a federal crime for anyone to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in the free exercise of any right or privilege secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
  4. Patterns of Misconduct: The DOJ report highlights a pattern of misconduct within the PPD, including:
    • Routine use of excessive force against civilians.
    • Racial profiling and discriminatory practices.
    • Retaliation against individuals who file complaints or speak out against police misconduct.

Specifics from the DOJ Report

  • The report found that officers frequently violated the Fourth Amendment by conducting unlawful searches and seizures.
  • There were multiple documented cases of the PPD’s failure to properly investigate and discipline officers involved in misconduct.
  • Evidence showed that PPD officers often used excessive force against vulnerable populations, including people with disabilities and those experiencing homelessness.

Impact on Victims

The systemic corruption within the PPD has had devastating impacts on countless individuals, including myself. These abuses not only result in wrongful convictions but also erode public trust in law enforcement, making communities less safe. Victims of these abuses suffer from long-term psychological, emotional, and financial hardships. I can attest that I will never trust any law enforcement officer from the City of Phoenix, The County of Maricopa and the State of Arizona, even more so the entire United States.

“I will never trust any law enforcement officer from the City of Phoenix, The County of Maricopa and the State of Arizona…”

cyber security expert, Ewing Redmond Samuels III


The Phoenix Police Department’s habitual and routine pattern of criminal conspiracy and deprivation of rights under color of law must be addressed at the highest levels. My wrongful conviction is a testament to the severe consequences of unchecked police misconduct. It is imperative that federal authorities take swift and decisive action to prosecute those responsible under Title 18 USC §§ 241 and 242. Only through accountability and systemic reform can justice be restored, and the civil, constitutional, and human rights of all individuals be safeguarded.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

For more detailed information, including the full DOJ investigation report and supporting documents from my case, please visit


  • United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division. “Investigation of the Phoenix Police Department and the City of Phoenix.” [DOJ Report]
  • Title 18 USC §§ 241 and 242 – Conspiracy against rights and deprivation of rights under color of law.

This blog aims to inform and mobilize the public to demand justice and reform within the Phoenix Police Department. By exposing these abuses, we can work towards a future where law enforcement upholds the rights and dignity of every individual.

Dwane Cates: P.O.S. Attorney 2

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In my relentless pursuit of justice, it is imperative to highlight the misconduct and legal violations committed by my former attorney, Dwane Cates. This blog post will detail the specific laws and professional rules he broke during his representation of my case and trial. Understanding these violations is crucial, not just for my case, but for anyone seeking justice and fair representation.

State Bar of Arizona Professional Rules of Conduct Violations

  1. Rule 1.1 – Competence
    • Dwane Cates failed to provide competent representation by not adequately preparing for my defense. His lack of preparation and understanding of the complexities of my case led to inadequate representation, violating Rule 1.1, which requires lawyers to provide competent representation to their clients.
  2. Rule 1.3 – Diligence
    • Rule 1.3 mandates that a lawyer must act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client. Cates neglected important aspects of my case, including failing to investigate key evidence and witnesses that could have exonerated me, thus failing to meet this standard of diligence. He filed no motions in my case on my behalf whatsoever.
  3. Rule 1.4 – Communication
    • Effective communication is critical in legal representation. Cates violated Rule 1.4 by failing to keep me informed about the status of my case and not explaining legal matters in a manner that allowed me to make informed decisions.
  4. Rule 1.7 – Conflict of Interest
    • Rule 1.7 prohibits a lawyer from representing a client if there is a significant risk that the lawyer’s interests or other clients’ interests will materially limit their ability to represent the client. Cates had undisclosed conflicts of interest that compromised his ability to represent me impartially and effectively.

American Bar Association (ABA) Rules Violations

  1. Rule 3.1 – Meritorious Claims and Contentions
    • The ABA Rule 3.1 requires that a lawyer should not bring or defend a proceeding unless there is a basis in law and fact for doing so that is not frivolous. Cates pursued defenses and arguments without a solid factual basis, wasting valuable resources and undermining my defense.
  2. Rule 8.4 – Misconduct
    • This rule prohibits lawyers from engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. Cates’s actions, including misrepresenting facts and failing to disclose crucial information, clearly violate this rule.

Federal Laws and Constitutional Violations

  1. Sixth Amendment – Right to Effective Assistance of Counsel
    • The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to effective assistance of counsel. Cates’s inadequate preparation, lack of communication, and conflicts of interest resulted in ineffective assistance, directly violating my constitutional rights under the Sixth Amendment.

State Rules of Court Violations

  1. Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 15 – Disclosure and Discovery
    • Rule 15 requires timely disclosure of evidence by both the prosecution and defense. Cates failed to utilize discovery rules effectively, neglecting to obtain exculpatory evidence that could have been crucial to my defense.

Attorney Dwane Cates evinces ineptitude, inadequacy, and incompetence, by a complete and total failure, and looked as if he did not even bother to investigate the State’s case and star witness, Jamil Trevon Curd (JTC), who was arrested 10 times before this case, with at least 25 Phoenix Police Department Incident reports of residential burglary, aggravated assaults, dui, domestic violence, criminal damage, disorderly conduct, 5 arrest warrants, and a pending investigation into the death of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015

5 arrest warrants, and a pending investigation into the death of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015 was concealed by Deputy County Attorney Lori Eidemanis of the Maricopa County Attorney Office (MCAO). Dwane Cates failed in his duties completely.”

Ewing redmond Samuels III

The State of Arizona’s case against me was largely constructed on Detective Marchele Miller‘s report, which was rife with omissions and deliberate falsehoods. Despite possessing facts that could have demonstrated my innocence, Miller chose to suppress this crucial information, thereby distorting the narrative and fabricating evidence to fit a predetermined conclusion of guilt. Her actions not only tainted the integrity of the investigation but also played a significant role in the wrongful conviction that followed, highlighting a grave miscarriage of justice. Marchele Miller was arrested on February 23, 2012 by the Chandler Police Department.

Attorney Dwane Cates did not obtain this information to challenge the veracity and truthfulness of her statements at trial and the report she authored, filled with deliberate falsehoods that was easy to refute with facts and evidence. He allowed the word of a corrupt Detective to violate an individual with high government security clearance as a Cyber Security Expert and Analyst.

“Detective Marchele Miller was arrested on February 23, 2012 by the Chandler Police Department.”

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

Federal Statutes and Case Law

  1. Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984)
    • This landmark case sets the standard for determining ineffective assistance of counsel. According to Strickland, a defendant must show that counsel’s performance was deficient and that the deficient performance prejudiced the defense. Cates’s actions meet both prongs of this test, as his incompetence and neglect clearly impacted the outcome of my case.
  2. Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963)
    • Under Brady, the prosecution is required to disclose evidence favorable to the defendant. While this is a prosecutorial duty, Cates failed to demand such disclosures aggressively, a failure that compromised my defense.


Attorney Dwane Cates’s conduct during my case and trial was a clear breach of numerous professional and legal standards. His violations of the State Bar of Arizona Professional Rules of Conduct, American Bar Association Rules, Federal Laws, State Rules of Court, and critical case laws such as Strickland and Brady, resulted in the gross miscarriage of justice I experienced. It is my hope that by exposing these violations, I can not only seek redress for myself but also warn others of the potential pitfalls in their pursuit of justice.

Call to Action

I urge those who have faced similar injustices to come forward and share their stories. Together, we can push for accountability and reform within the legal system. For more detailed information and updates on my case, please visit my website regularly.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

Dwane Cates: P.O.S. Attorney

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An Incompetent Defense and a Conspiracy Against Rights

In the complex and often harsh world of the legal system, the importance of competent legal representation cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, in my case—State of Arizona vs. Ewing Samuels—the very cornerstone of justice was undermined by the ineptitude and incompetence of my attorney, Dwane Cates. His ineffective assistance did not just fall short of acceptable legal standards; it actively contributed to a miscarriage of justice, supported by evidence of collusion with Lori Eidemanis and the Maricopa County Attorney Office.

Dwane Cates: A Breach of Duty

When I was accused of a crime I did not commit, I placed my trust in Dwane Cates, hoping for a robust defense that would uphold my rights and deliver justice. However, throughout the trial, it became evident that Cates failed to meet the basic obligations of his role:

  1. Lack of Preparation: From the outset, Cates demonstrated a severe lack of preparation. He failed to investigate crucial evidence that could have proven my innocence and neglected to interview key witnesses whose testimonies would have been pivotal.
  2. Inadequate Legal Strategy: His legal strategy, if it can be called that, was riddled with errors and glaring omissions. He did not file necessary motions that could have challenged the prosecution’s evidence or highlighted procedural errors, thereby failing to protect my constitutional rights.
  3. Poor Communication: Throughout the proceedings, Cates maintained poor communication with me. Important decisions were made without my input or understanding, leaving me uninformed and unable to participate meaningfully in my own defense.
  4. Criminal Conduct: Dwane Cates had personally asked me to ask JTC’s mother Alisa Michelle Hudson for him to ‘go away’ or leave the State until after the case is over when I met with him at his office on 1747 E. Morten, Suite 205. Phoenix, Arizona 85020 in 2016. I was shocked and looked at him like he lost his mind.
  5. Absolutely No Investigation Into The Facts Thereof: A simple background check into the state’s witness would have shown:

“The State’s case was built on the word of an individual, JTC, who was arrested 10 times before this case, with at least 25 Phoenix Police Department Incident reports, 5 arrest warrants, and a pending investigation into the death of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015. All concealed by Deputy County Attorney Lori Eidemanis. Dwane Cates representation is questionable all around.”

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

The State’s case was built on the word of an individual, JTC, who was arrested 10 times before this case, with at least 25 Phoenix Police Department Incident reports of residential burglary, aggravated assaults, dui, domestic violence, criminal damage, disorderly conduct, 5 arrest warrants, and a pending investigation into the death of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015. None of these items were even mentioned in trial, yet the prosecution did its best to impugn my background, even though I was never arrested nor had any criminal history prior to this so called ‘criminal case’. Dwane Cates representation is questionable all around.

“The prosecution (Deputy County Attorney Lori Eidemanis of MCAO) did its best to impugn my background, even though I was never arrested nor had any criminal history prior to this so called ‘criminal case’.”

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

The State of Arizona’s case against me was largely constructed on Detective Marchele Miller‘s report, which was rife with omissions and deliberate falsehoods. Despite possessing facts that could have demonstrated my innocence, Miller chose to suppress this crucial information, thereby distorting the narrative and fabricating evidence to fit a predetermined conclusion of guilt. Her actions not only tainted the integrity of the investigation but also played a significant role in the wrongful conviction that followed, highlighting a grave miscarriage of justice. Marchele Miller was arrestedon February 23, 2012 by the Chandler Police Department.

This report is filled of her racism, deception, propensity for dishonesty, violence, and immoral behavior.

“The Sixth Amendment right to counsel is the right to the effective assistance of counsel, and the benchmark for judging any claim of ineffectiveness must be whether counsel’s conduct so undermined the proper functioning of the adversarial process that the trial cannot be relied on as having produced a just result.”

Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984)

Evidence of Conspiracy

What is more alarming than Cates’ incompetence is the emerging evidence suggesting a deliberate conspiracy against my rights (18 U.S.C. § 241). The records indicate that Cates did not merely fail to defend me adequately but actively collaborated with the prosecution Lori Eidemanis and the Maricopa County Attorney Office to ensure a guilty verdict:

  1. Collusion with the Prosecution: There is substantial proof that Cates engaged in backdoor communications with the State Attorney’s Office, discussing strategies that were against my interests and designed to weaken my defense.
  2. Deliberate Sabotage: Specific actions taken by Cates, such as the deliberate suppression of exculpatory evidence and failure to cross-examine key prosecution witnesses effectively, strongly imply that his ineffective assistance was not merely due to incompetence but was a part of a concerted effort to ensure my conviction.
  3. Violation of Constitutional Rights: This conspiracy against rights is a severe violation of my legal and constitutional protections. The right to effective counsel is enshrined in the Sixth Amendment, and the deliberate denial of this right constitutes a grave injustice.

“The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office has a long history of paying witnesses to testify and commit perjury, nondisclosure, and collusion with defense attorney’s, as they call it give me the case and I’ll throw you a bone here and there.”

Ewing R. Samuels III

The Path to Justice

The wrongful conviction and subsequent imprisonment were a direct result of Dwane Cates’ incompetence and the malicious collusion with the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. This case is not just about one individual’s failure but a systemic abuse that requires accountability and redress.

Moving Forward

  1. Legal Action: I am committed to pursuing all legal avenues to overturn this unjust conviction and to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. This includes filing for post-conviction relief based on the ineffective assistance of counsel and exploring civil actions for the conspiracy against my rights.
  2. Public Awareness: Sharing my story is crucial. By exposing the details of this case, I aim to shed light on the broader issues within the justice system, advocating for reforms that will prevent others from suffering similar fates.
  3. Advocacy for Reform: My experience underscores the need for systemic changes. Advocacy for stricter oversight of legal counsel performance and greater transparency within prosecutorial conduct is essential to protect the rights of all individuals.


The ordeal I faced due to Dwane Cates’ incompetence and the malicious conspiracy against my rights is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities within our legal system. My fight is not just for personal justice but for a more equitable system where such injustices cannot occur. Through continued legal action and raising public awareness, I am determined to seek justice and ensure that my case serves as a catalyst for necessary reforms.

To reiterate, these are not just Sixth Amendment violations, but are criminal violations under Federal laws. As they say, “no one is above the law”.

For more details about my case and ongoing efforts, please stay tuned as I dissect my case from beginning to present. Join me in advocating for justice and accountability.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

Invisible Scars: The Toll Of Imprisonment And Its Lifelong Impact

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Imprisonment is a harsh reality for many, but its effects extend far beyond the prison walls. The psychological trauma endured during incarceration can have profound and lasting impacts on an individual’s mental health, life outcomes, and overall outlook on life. This blog explores these effects, supported by statistics from reputable government agencies, and underscores the urgent need for reform and support for those reentering society.

Mental Health Effects of Imprisonment

Imprisonment often exposes individuals to a range of stressors, including isolation, violence, murder, torture, and a lack of autonomy. These conditions can lead to various mental health issues, such as:

  1. Depression and Anxiety: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than half of all prison and jail inmates in the U.S. have a mental health problem, with depression and anxiety being among the most common issues.
  2. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that 21% of prisoners have experienced PTSD, stemming from traumatic events during incarceration.
  3. Substance Abuse Disorders: Many inmates struggle with substance abuse issues, which are often exacerbated by the prison environment. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that around 58% of state prisoners and 63% of sentenced jail inmates meet the criteria for drug dependence or abuse.

The Adverse Impact on Life Outcomes

The effects of imprisonment are not confined to the time spent behind bars. They extend into every aspect of an individual’s life post-release, influencing their social, economic, and psychological well-being.

  1. Employment and Income: Former inmates face significant barriers to employment. The Bureau of Justice Statistics indicates that two-thirds of released prisoners were not employed within five years of their release. Those who do find work often earn significantly less than their peers, perpetuating a cycle of poverty.
  2. Education: Imprisonment can disrupt educational pursuits. Data from the U.S. Department of Education shows that only 14% of prisoners have some college education, compared to 48% of the general population.
  3. Recidivism: Mental health issues and lack of support can lead to high recidivism rates. The National Institute of Justice reports that within five years of release, about 76.6% of released prisoners are rearrested.

My Personal Journey

As someone who has experienced the full brunt of the prison system, I can attest to the deep and lasting impacts it has on one’s mental health and overall life. My name is Ewing Redmond Samuels III. Born in Belize City, Belize, in 1978, I emigrated to the United States as a child and built a life there, only to have it upended by a wrongful and unlawful conviction. After serving 6.5 years in the Arizona Department of Corrections and additional time in federal custody, I was deported back to Belize in 2023.

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) defines deportation or forcible transfer of a population as a crime against humanity. The ICC is located in The Hague and prosecutes individuals accused of crimes against humanity, which are serious violations committed against a civilian population. Deportation is defined as the displacement of people across an international border. Forcing people to leave their place of residence through expulsion or other coercive acts for reasons not permitted by international law could be a crime against humanity, a war crime, or both. The 15 forms of crimes against humanity listed in the Rome Statute include offences such as murder, rape, imprisonment, enforced disappearances, enslavement – particularly of women and children, sexual slavery, torture, apartheid and deportation.

Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court

Even though I now live in the paradise of the tropical Caribbean, the shadows of my incarceration linger. I struggle daily with a multitude of personal and professional challenges. The trauma has not only affected me but has also profoundly impacted my son, leaving us both grappling with lifelong scars.

Despite my 20 years of experience as a software engineer in Silicon Valley, and my extensive background as a business consultant and music and film producer, reintegration has been an uphill battle. The stigma of my past and the psychological toll of my experiences continue to pose significant hurdles.

Outlook on Life

The psychological toll of imprisonment can fundamentally alter an individual’s outlook on life. Feelings of hopelessness, mistrust, and social withdrawal are common among former inmates.

  1. Hopelessness and Despair: Prolonged exposure to the harsh conditions of prison life can lead to chronic feelings of hopelessness and despair, which can hinder reintegration efforts.
  2. Mistrust and Social Withdrawal: Many former inmates develop a deep-seated mistrust of others and often withdraw from social interactions. This isolation can prevent them from building the social support networks necessary for successful reintegration.
  3. Stigma and Discrimination: The stigma associated with a criminal record can lead to social and institutional discrimination, further alienating former inmates and diminishing their sense of self-worth.

The Need for Reform and Support

Addressing the mental health needs of inmates and providing comprehensive support post-release is crucial for improving life outcomes and reducing recidivism. Here are some steps that can make a difference:

  1. Mental Health Services: Increasing access to mental health services in prisons and jails can help mitigate some of the adverse effects of incarceration.
  2. Educational and Vocational Training: Providing inmates with educational and vocational training can improve their employment prospects post-release.
  3. Support Networks: Establishing robust support networks, including counseling, mentorship programs, and community support, can aid in the reintegration process.


The mental health effects of imprisonment are profound and far-reaching, influencing every aspect of an individual’s life post-release. By understanding these impacts and advocating for comprehensive reform and support, we can help former inmates rebuild their lives and contribute positively to society. I have seen more than I care to admit in the United States and the American criminal justice system, and now question the so called authorities in control of”law and order”.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

The Phoenix Police Department: Abuse of Power

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The Dark Underbelly of Phoenix: Uncovering Police Misconduct

In the sprawling metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona, a city known for its desert landscapes and vibrant culture, there lies a darker underbelly—a system marred by corruption and abuse of power. At the forefront of this injustice stands the Phoenix Police Department (PPD), an entity entrusted with upholding the law but often found guilty of violating it.

22 Arizona Police Officers Punished So Far In 2024

In a year marked by heightened scrutiny of law enforcement, Arizona’s Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (AZPOST) has taken action against misconduct within the state’s police force. With 37 investigations opened since August, including cases of officers asking suggestive questions to minors and threatening individuals with deadly force, the board has suspended or revoked certifications for 22 officers. Notable cases include Mesa officer Clinton Bertola’s inappropriate interrogation of high school girls and Gilbert Police Officer Andrew Neves’ use of excessive force. These actions underscore AZPOST’s pivotal role in holding officers accountable and safeguarding public trust in law enforcement, emphasizing the need for ongoing reform and oversight.

On a personal note, I wrote a letter to AZPOST and sent them the evidence needed of an arrest record and criminal history of Detective Marchele Miller in 2019, at present still I’ve heard nothing yet.

Arizona’s Law Enforcement Accountability: AZPOST Probes 20 More Cases of Police Misconduct in 2023

Arizona’s law enforcement watchdog, the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (AZPOST), has intensified its scrutiny of police conduct, opening investigations into 20 new cases of misconduct since March. Allegations include excessive force, bungled investigations, and instances of domestic violence, reflecting a disturbing trend within the state’s police force. Notable cases involve a trooper ordering his police dog to bite individuals and a Tempe officer tasing an unarmed man 13 times. AZPOST’s role in holding officers accountable underscores the importance of transparency and oversight in maintaining public trust in law enforcement.

Arizona Police Misconduct: 17 Officers Under Investigation for Various Offenses in 2023

Marked by a string of troubling incidents, the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (AZPOST) has opened investigations into 17 cases of police misconduct. Among the allegations are excessive force, DUIs, reckless driving, and instances of dishonesty. These cases shed light on internal investigations often kept from public view, ranging from a state trooper’s controversial TikTok videos to a small-town police chief’s DUI arrest. Despite heightened scrutiny, AZPOST’s decisions on disciplinary actions remain pivotal, with some high-profile use-of-force cases resulting in no further action taken.


Concealed Crimes: Detective Marchele Miller’s Hidden Past

One even more outrageous example of this misconduct is the case of Detective Marchele Miller, whose own criminal history and arrest record were conveniently concealed from both the public and the defense in a court of law. This deliberate act of deception not only undermines the integrity of our justice system but also raises serious questions about the credibility of those tasked with enforcing the law. Obtaining indictments and testifying in trials, with a known criminal history and arrest record of deception and lying, this kind of officer is a clear and present danger since February 23, 2012.

Operating Under the ‘Color of Law’: The PPD’s Abuse of Authority

The concept of operating under the ‘color of law‘ is not unfamiliar to the PPD. It refers to the misuse of power, typically by government officials, to deprive individuals of their constitutional rights under the guise of enforcing the law. In the case of Detective Marchele Miller, her actions epitomize this abuse of authority, as she exploited her position to suppress vital information that could have potentially exonerated innocent individuals. Ironically, the federal statute requires a 5-20 year prison sentence for this kind of violation.

Phoenix’s Police Oversight Agency Struggles Amid City Interference

The Office of Accountability and Transparency (OAT) in Phoenix faced internal challenges as city officials undermined its independence, leading to the resignation of its director, Roger Smith. Despite public claims of robust oversight, documents reveal city officials’ efforts to control OAT’s operations, including blocking the hiring of an experienced attorney, Catherine Bowman. Smith’s departure highlighted ongoing tensions between city leadership and efforts for meaningful police accountability.

Phoenix Police Chief Defends Force Amidst Fatal Shooting

Amidst an orchestrated media campaign by Phoenix Police Chief Michael Sullivan defending the department against federal oversight, officers shot and killed a man, marking the second fatal police shooting in six days. The city’s pushback against a Justice Department investigation into use of force highlights ongoing tensions between law enforcement and calls for accountability. Yet, interesting that a so-called Law Enforcement Officer in leadership does not recognize the ‘supreme Law of the Land’ of the Federal Government, but believes that he and the PPD can subjugate those in the City Of Phoenix to local laws with severe pains, penalties, and punishment inducing a life of trauma and tragedy.

DOJ Launches Investigation into Phoenix Police Misconduct

The U.S. Department of Justice initiates a comprehensive probe into the Phoenix Police Department and the city of Phoenix over allegations of misconduct, including excessive force and retaliation against protesters. Attorney General Merrick Garland and Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke announced the investigation, which will scrutinize various aspects of police conduct, including use of force, discriminatory policing, and treatment of individuals experiencing homelessness. The probe follows a series of controversies, including a crackdown on protests and a high number of police shootings, raising concerns about civil rights violations and accountability within the department.

Just recently the FBI arrested a Phoenix police officer on April 5 for allegedly receiving and possessing thousands of images and videos of child pornography. Gilbert resident Alaa Robert Bartley, 41, was indicted three days later by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona. He was charged with one count of receiving child pornography and one count of knowingly possessing child pornography.Bartley faces a sentence of five years to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 on the receiving charge. The possession charges carry a maximum sentence of 10 years, or 20 years if the pornography depicts a minor who is not yet 12, as well as a fine of up to $250,000.

Pursuing Justice: Advocating for Reform

But my pursuit of justice does not end with exposing the misconduct of the PPD; it extends to holding those responsible accountable for their actions. Through my legal human rights advocacy, Premise GSE, I aim to shed light on the injustices perpetrated by the PPD and advocate for meaningful reform within the department.

Join the Fight: Standing Up Against Injustice

Transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of a fair and just society. By shining a spotlight on the actions of Detective Miller and others like her, we can begin to dismantle the culture of impunity that has long plagued the PPD. It is time to demand accountability from those sworn to protect and serve, and to ensure that justice is truly blind. As I continue to fight for my own rights and seek redress for the injustices I have endured, I invite others to join me in holding the Phoenix Police Department accountable. Together, we can strive towards a future where the law is upheld with integrity and fairness, and where no one is above the law, not even those sworn to enforce it.

Until next time,

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

The Purpose of Government: Upholding Integrity in the Face of Corruption

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As citizens, we entrust our governments with the solemn responsibility of safeguarding our rights, ensuring justice, and promoting the common good. However, what happens when those entrusted with power betray that trust? When corruption festers within the corridors of authority, it not only erodes the foundation of democracy but also undermines the very purpose of government itself.

The Core Purpose of Government

Throughout history, governments have been established to serve the people, to provide for their welfare, and to maintain order in society. The social contract between citizens and their government is based on the mutual understanding that power will be wielded responsibly and in the best interest of all.

The Impact of Corruption

Yet, when officials succumb to the temptations of corruption, when they prioritize personal gain over the well-being of their constituents, the fabric of society begins to unravel. Corruption breeds mistrust, cynicism, and disillusionment among the populace. It perpetuates inequality, stifles economic growth, and undermines the rule of law.

The Tactic of “Divide and Conquer”

Moreover, when corruption is allowed to thrive unchecked, it often employs the insidious tactic of “divide and conquer.” By pitting communities against each other, by sowing seeds of discord and resentment, corrupt officials seek to maintain their grip on power. They exploit divisions along lines of race, class, religion, or ideology, weakening the collective strength of the people.

Demanding Accountability and Transparency

In the face of such challenges, it falls upon the shoulders of conscientious citizens to demand accountability and transparency from their government. We must hold our elected representatives accountable for their actions, and we must insist on reforms that strengthen democratic institutions and root out corruption at all levels of government.

Upholding Values of Governance

Transparency, accountability, and integrity must be the guiding principles of governance. Only by upholding these values can governments fulfill their true purpose: to serve the people, protect their rights, and promote the common good.

A Case of Institutional Betrayal

Consider the recent case in Phoenix, where the former Maricopa County prosecutor, April Sponsel, falsely indicted innocent protesters with gang-related charges in 2020. This egregious abuse of power not only resulted in the wrongful persecution of individuals exercising their right to protest but also tarnished the reputation of the justice system.

Sponsel’s actions, characterized by a “disturbing pattern of excessive charging,” led to her dismissal from the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office in June of 2022. Her failure to review available evidence and her refusal to acknowledge any wrongdoing demonstrate a blatant disregard for justice and integrity. And yet, it was the Maricopa County Attorney Office who bred, nourished and trained her how to do what she was doing, until caught red-handed.

This is the same exact office that obtained an indictment, took me to trial and convicted me on hearsay, fabricated evidence, perjury, subornation, covered-up the kidnapping of my son, covered-up the murder of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21,2015, fraudulent concealment of impeachment and exculpatory evidence and deliberate and intentional violations of due process, and way too many to list here. People’s lives are being damaged by corrupt officials in the State of Arizona.

Where is the federal government in all of this when a state authority commits state abuse of power?

Below is an ORDER of what April Sponsel did and the “sanctions” delivered by the Judge:

The suspension of Sponsel’s law license for at least two years is a testament to the far-reaching and deleterious consequences of her actions. As noted by the presiding judge, her misconduct damaged morale within the office and painted it as lacking integrity. This betrayal of trust not only undermines the public’s faith in the justice system but also perpetuates a culture of impunity among those in power.


As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, let us remain vigilant in our commitment to justice and democracy. Let us strive to build a society where the purpose of government is not overshadowed by corruption, but rather, where it shines brightly as a beacon of hope and progress for all.

I am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

The Hidden Truth: When Love Conceals a Sordid Past

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Unveiling Deception: A Betrayal of Trust

In matters of the heart, we often find ourselves entranced by the allure of love, drawn to another soul in a way that feels almost inevitable. We open our hearts, share our vulnerabilities, and believe in the promise of a future intertwined with our beloved. However, what happens when that future is built upon a foundation of secrets and unspoken truths?

The Shattering Revelation: A Personal Journey

In my own experience, I found myself entangled in a relationship where the surface appeared pristine, but beneath lay a web of deception. My romantic partner, whom I trusted implicitly, failed to disclose a past marred by a criminal history and an arrest record. It was a revelation that shattered the illusions I had constructed, leaving me reeling with disbelief and a profound sense of betrayal. Theft, criminal damage, domestic violence, alcoholism, interference with judicial proceedings, aggravated assault was all overwhelming as I learned of this information 2 years after my incarceration, while in prison. Nowhere in our 4 year relationship did this Jezebel mentioned any of this, yet she was 10 years older than I. Maybe I was naive?

Prior to meeting these two individuals, I have never had any criminal history nor arrest record.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” – MayaAngelou


Hidden Histories: The Impact Beyond Ourselves

But perhaps even more distressing was the discovery that my partner’s 24 year old son, Jamil Trevon Curd, shared a similar, if not more troubling, history. His own journey was fraught with challenges and poor choices, yet this crucial information remained concealed, casting a shadow of doubt over the authenticity of our relationship. It is even more disturbing that his own mother wanted to press charges on him for criminal conduct in her home.


The Ripple Effect: Community Perception and Self-Reflection

The ramifications of such revelations are far-reaching and deeply impactful. Trust, once broken, is not easily repaired. It erodes the very foundation upon which love is built, leaving behind a sense of insecurity and doubt that lingers long after the truth has been revealed. Moreover, the repercussions extend beyond the confines of our personal lives, affecting those around us in ways we may not fully comprehend. In my case, the implications of my partner’s hidden past reverberated through my community, tarnishing reputations and eliciting judgment from those who had once held us in high esteem.

Embracing Truth: A Journey of Resilience

But amidst the turmoil and heartache, there lies an opportunity for growth and introspection. It is a chance to reassess our priorities, redefine our boundaries, and reclaim our sense of agency in navigating the complexities of love and relationships. For me, this journey has been one of self-discovery and resilience. I refuse to be defined by the actions of others or constrained by the limitations of my past. Instead, I choose to embrace the truth, however painful it may be, and forge ahead with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

Moving Forward: Honoring Authenticity

To those who find themselves grappling with similar circumstances, I offer this advice: Trust your instincts, honor your worth, and never compromise your integrity for the sake of love. True happiness lies in authenticity, transparency, and the unwavering commitment to living a life guided by truth and integrity.

Conclusion: Embracing Love’s Light

In closing, let us remember that love, though fragile, possesses the power to heal and transform even the most broken of hearts. But it is only when we confront the shadows of our past that we can truly embrace the light of a brighter tomorrow.

The Harrowing Reality of Kidnapping: A Personal Account of Injustice in Arizona

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Kidnapping is a crime that strikes fear into the hearts of families worldwide. It’s a violation of the most fundamental human rights, tearing loved ones apart and leaving lasting scars. However, what happens when the perpetrators wear badges and operate under the guise of law enforcement? This is the chilling reality that I faced when my son was taken from me by authorities in the State of Arizona.

The Facts of Kidnapping:

Kidnapping, as defined by both state and federal statutes, involves the unlawful transportation, restraint, or confinement of an individual against their will. It’s a grave offense that carries severe penalties, rightfully so given its impact on victims and their families.

State and federal laws provide clear guidelines on what constitutes kidnapping and outline the consequences for those found guilty. These laws are meant to protect individuals from such heinous acts and ensure justice is served.

18 U.S. Code § 1201 – Kidnapping

(a) Whoever unlawfully seizes, confines, inveigles, decoys, kidnaps, abducts, or carries away and holds for ransom or reward or otherwise any person, except in the case of a minor by the parent thereof, when—

(2) any such act against the person is done within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States;

(c) If two or more persons conspire to violate this section and one or more of such persons do any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life.

The Arizona Incident:

On March 21, 2016, I experienced every parent’s worst nightmare when my 5-year-old son was taken from me by authorities in Arizona. Despite having evidence to the contrary, including proof of proper care and guardianship, my son was unjustly deemed to be in “neglectful” conditions.

Detective Marchele Miller, Detective Christopher Gitsch, Officer Todd Stevens, and Sergeant Heather Howell Maldonado, and the City of Phoenix Police Department, along with individuals from the Arizona Department of Child Safety, conspired to fabricate evidence and unlawfully separate a father from his child. Their actions were not only morally reprehensible but also constituted a blatant violation of my rights as a parent. I have even more substantive documents on the Arizona Department of Child Safety as this State agency, the year prior, was directly involved and responsible for the rape and molestation of over 500 children within state custody and tried to cover up these crimes by threatening anyone of reporting this to the media. The proof of the State changing the name from CPS to DCS indicates and implicates serious wrongdoing and cover-up.

The Cover-Up:

What makes this case even more disturbing is the blatant cover-up orchestrated by those involved. Instead of upholding the law and protecting the innocent, law enforcement officers and child safety officials chose to manipulate documents, fabricate evidence, and conspire against my legal rights.

The irrefutable evidence I possess exposes the extent of their wrongdoing, highlighting a systemic failure within the justice system to hold those in positions of power accountable for their actions. I filed the Motion For Judicial Notice, pursuant to Arizona Rules of Evidence 201, as indicated below, yet NO judge at the Superior Court of Maricopa County has answered this, even though their own state court rules and Arizona Constitution indicate the Court must answer motions in 30 days. It’s 2 years now. The record is the proof.

Seeking Justice:

In the face of such injustice, I am determined to assert my legal, constitutional, and human rights. Armed with undeniable proof of the malicious intent behind my son’s abduction, I am fighting tirelessly to bring those responsible to justice and reunite with my child.

Convention on the Rights of the Child: (United Nations)

SPECIAL NOTE: The United States has not ratified the CRC despite its active role in drafting the treaty.

Article 9

1. States Parties shall ensure that a child shall not be separated from his or her parents against their will, except when competent authorities subject to judicial review determine, in accordance with applicable law and procedures, that such separation is necessary for the best interests of the child. 


My story serves as a sobering reminder of the dark realities of kidnapping, particularly when perpetrated by those entrusted with upholding the law. It underscores the importance of holding individuals and institutions accountable for their actions and fighting for justice in the face of adversity.

As I continue my quest for truth and justice, stand in solidarity with me, hoping for a resolution that brings healing and closure to my family. It’s imperative that we shine a light on cases like his, ensuring that the voices of victims are heard and that the perpetrators of such egregious crimes are held accountable. I will not rest until.


Ewing Samuels

The Paradox of Immunity: Legal Safeguards for Government Officials

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In a world where the principle of “no one is above the law” stands as a fundamental tenet of justice, the concept of immunity for government officials presents a paradox. While the law ostensibly applies equally to all, certain individuals within the government are shielded by legal doctrines that afford them protection from prosecution or civil suits, even in the face of compelling evidence of wrongdoing. Let’s delve into the intricate landscape of immunity, particularly in the United States, and explore its implications on accountability and justice.

Understanding Immunity:

Immunity, in the context of government officials, comes in various forms, each tailored to specific roles within the judicial system. Among the most notable are qualified immunity for police officers and absolute immunity for prosecutors and judges.

  • Qualified Immunity: This doctrine shields law enforcement officers from civil liability for actions performed in the line of duty, unless their conduct violates clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known. Essentially, it provides a buffer against frivolous lawsuits but has often been criticized for shielding officers from accountability, even in cases of egregious misconduct.
  • Absolute Immunity: Unlike qualified immunity, which is a defense against civil suits, absolute immunity offers broader protection, typically extended to prosecutors and judges. It grants them immunity from civil liability for actions performed within the scope of their official duties, safeguarding them from being sued for damages arising from their prosecutorial or judicial functions.

Implications of Immunity:

While immunity serves to protect government officials from the burden of constant litigation and personal liability, it can also create a perception of impunity. When individuals entrusted with upholding the law are shielded from accountability, it undermines public trust in the justice system and fosters a sense of injustice among those who feel wronged by official misconduct.

Examples of Retribution:

Instances abound where individuals, disillusioned by the perceived impunity of government officials, have taken matters into their own hands in pursuit of retribution. Take, for example, cases where victims of police brutality, denied recourse through legal channels due to qualified immunity, resort to public protests or even retaliatory violence as a means of seeking justice.

Similarly, in the realm of prosecutorial misconduct, where absolute immunity often protects prosecutors from civil liability, instances of wrongful convictions or egregious abuses of power have led to public outrage and, in some cases, vigilantism against those perceived to have evaded accountability.

Seeking Reform:

The issue of immunity for government officials is a complex one, balancing the need to protect individuals performing essential public functions with the imperative of holding them accountable for misconduct. While immunity doctrines are deeply ingrained in legal tradition, they are not immutable.

Calls for reform have echoed across the legal landscape, advocating for greater transparency, accountability, and oversight mechanisms to ensure that immunity does not serve as a shield for abuse of power or erosion of public trust. Initiatives such as the introduction of body cameras for law enforcement officers, increased prosecutorial oversight, and legislative efforts to curb the scope of immunity are steps toward a more equitable and just system. Enter Skyview A.I. GSE.: Every government official will be held accountable.


In navigating the terrain of immunity for government officials, we confront a delicate balance between safeguarding the integrity of public service and upholding the principles of accountability and justice. While immunity may offer necessary protections in the performance of official duties, its unchecked application risks perpetuating a culture of impunity and injustice.

As we continue to grapple with the complexities of immunity in governance, it behooves us to remain vigilant in our pursuit of a legal framework that upholds the rule of law, ensures accountability for misconduct, and restores public faith in the institutions entrusted with administering justice. Only through thoughtful reflection, dialogue, and reform can we aspire to realize the ideal of a society where no one is truly above the law.

Evolving Beyond Turmoil: Reflections

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As I sit down to reflect on my journey as a 45-year-old man, I am confronted with the weight of life experiences that have shaped me. My path has been strewn with challenges, injustices, and moments of profound revelation. I have witnessed things that cannot be unseen, and endured trials that cannot be undone. Yet, through it all, I have come to understand that forgiveness is not synonymous with forgetting, and holding people accountable is not an act of vengeance.

The Path of Forgiveness: Liberation and Healing

Life has a way of testing us, pushing us to our limits and forcing us to confront our deepest fears and insecurities. For me, this journey began with an unjust conviction that robbed me of my freedom and shattered my sense of security. It was a dark period in my life, one filled with pain, anger, and despair. But through the darkness, I found strength. I refused to be defined by my circumstances, and instead, I chose to rise above them.

Forgiveness, for me, has been a process—a journey of healing and self-discovery. It is not about erasing the past or pretending that the wounds inflicted upon me do not still ache. It is about acknowledging the pain, accepting it, and ultimately, releasing it. Forgiveness is a gift I give to myself, a liberation from the chains of resentment and bitterness.

Accountability: Seeking Justice and Closure

But forgiveness does not mean absolving others of their responsibility. Holding people to account is not about seeking revenge; it is about demanding justice. It is about standing up for what is right and ensuring that those who have wronged us are held accountable for their actions. It is a necessary step on the path to healing, both for ourselves and for society as a whole.

Professional Resilience: Leveraging Skills and Expertise

Throughout my career as a software engineer and business consultant, I have honed my skills and expertise, navigating complex challenges with precision and determination. My experience in Silicon Valley has equipped me with the tools necessary to confront adversity head-on, finding innovative solutions and forging new paths forward.

Architecting Success: Positioning for Victory

As a solutions architect engineer, I understand the power of strategy and planning. I recognize that success is not merely about overcoming obstacles but about positioning oneself for victory. My background in engineering equips me with the ability to analyze situations from multiple perspectives, identify weaknesses in the opposition’s case, and strategically present facts and evidence that dismantle their arguments.

Challenging the Status Quo: Exposing Injustice

My experience has shown me that the legal system often prioritizes technicalities over merits, allowing the state to win cases through procedural loopholes rather than substantive evidence. But armed with irrefutable proof and unwavering determination, I am prepared to challenge the status quo and expose the flaws in the state’s case against me.

The Power of Truth: Redefining Credibility

By presenting facts and evidence that undermine the state’s credibility and reveal the truth behind their motives, I aim to redefine the narrative and reclaim justice on my own terms. My journey is not just about seeking exoneration for myself but about shining a light on systemic injustices that affect countless others.

Embracing the Journey: Rising Above with Purpose and Resolve

In the face of uncertainty and adversity, I am guided by a sense of purpose and a commitment to justice. My experiences have taught me that true strength lies not in avoiding challenges but in confronting them with courage and resilience. As I continue to evolve and grow, I am confident that I am equipped with the skills, talents, and connections necessary to overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious.

Conclusion: A Journey of Redemption and Renewal

As I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the power of forgiveness, accountability, and professional resilience. By embracing these principles and leveraging my skills and expertise, I am ready to navigate life’s trials with grace and determination. Though the road ahead may be challenging, I am prepared to face it head-on, knowing that victory is within reach.

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