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nazi germany

Parallels Between The United States and Nazi Germany: A Comparative Analysis

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Today, I want to delve into a critical issue that resonates deeply with my personal experiences and the broader discourse on justice and human rights. This blog explores the unsettling parallels between law enforcement practices in the current United States and those in Nazi Germany. Specifically, it examines the use of law and power to arrest, kidnap, hold hostage, torture, seize assets, and commit murder under the guise of legality. By highlighting specific laws and actions by authorities, I aim to underscore the severity of these issues and call for urgent reforms.

Historical Context: Nazi Germany

Under Adolf Hitler‘s regime, Nazi Germany utilized law enforcement as a tool of oppression, systematically targeting Jews, political dissidents, and other marginalized groups. The Gestapo (secret police) and the SS (Schutzstaffel) were notorious for their brutal tactics, which included arbitrary arrests, torture, and extrajudicial killings. The Nuremberg Laws institutionalized racial discrimination, stripping Jews of their citizenship and rights. The Holocaust, one of history’s most horrific genocides, was perpetrated under the pretense of legal authority.

“I don’t see much future for the Americans … it’s a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities … my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance … everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it’s half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?”

Adolf Hitler

Modern United States: A Disturbing Parallel

While the United States prides itself on being a beacon of democracy and justice, recent practices reveal troubling parallels with Nazi Germany. This comparison is not made lightly but is grounded in documented instances of systemic abuse, particularly against non-white citizens and residents. It already has a history of customs rooted in white supremacy.

Even more disturbing is those in power in the United States who control the country and its law enforcement mechanisms (Quite Interesting):

Arbitrary Arrests and Kidnappings

The United States has seen numerous instances where law enforcement agencies have exercised their power to arrest and detain individuals without due process. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, for example, has been criticized for its tactics in detaining immigrants, often in ways that resemble kidnappings. In 2020, reports emerged of federal agents in unmarked vehicles detaining protesters in Portland, Oregon, without identifying themselves or providing a legal basis for the arrests.

“It was done to move detainees to a safe location for questioning.”

Homeland Security Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli

Torture and Inhumane Treatment

The use of torture by U.S. authorities has been a controversial issue, particularly in the context of the War on Terror. The CIA’s use of enhanced interrogation techniques, which many consider to be torture, has drawn widespread condemnation. Similarly, reports of inhumane conditions in detention centers, including those operated by ICE, have highlighted the maltreatment of detainees, often involving physical and psychological abuse.

Asset Seizure and Civil Forfeiture

Civil asset forfeiture laws in the United States allow law enforcement agencies to seize property suspected of being connected to criminal activity, often without charging the property owner with a crime. This practice has disproportionately affected non-white communities. In many cases, individuals have had their assets seized without due process, echoing the expropriation of property from Jews and other marginalized groups in Nazi Germany. It is now being perpetrated against communities of people of color.

“The fact of the matter is very rare for an unarmed African American to be shot by a white police officer.”

Former Attorney General, DOJ, William Barr

Extrajudicial Killings

The extrajudicial killings of unarmed Black individuals by police officers in the United States have sparked nationwide protests and calls for reform. The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Alton Sterling, Stephon Clark, Eric Garner, Ronald Greene, Elijah McClain, Tyre Nichols, and countless others reflect a pattern of lethal force used disproportionately against non-white citizens. These incidents draw a stark comparison to the state-sanctioned murders carried out by Nazi Germany under the guise of maintaining law and order. The former Attorney General of DOJ, William Barr proved the audacity and deliberateness of the denial of the existence of systemic racism flies in the face of information  from nongovernmental groups, the Justice Department’s own data, and the lived experiences of Black people in the US.

Legal Frameworks and Authorities

The Patriot Act

The USA PATRIOT Act, enacted in response to the 9/11 attacks, expanded the government’s surveillance and investigative powers. Critics argue that it undermines civil liberties and has been used to target marginalized communities, much like the Reichstag Fire Decree and the Enabling Act enabled the Nazi regime to bypass legal constraints and persecute dissidents.

Qualified Immunity

Qualified immunity shields law enforcement officers from being held personally liable for actions performed in the line of duty, unless they violated “clearly established” rights. This doctrine has been criticized for enabling police misconduct and preventing accountability, paralleling the impunity enjoyed by Nazi officers who committed atrocities under state orders.

Absolute Immunity for Prosecutors and Judges

One of the most egregious aspects of the U.S. legal system is the concept of absolute immunity for prosecutors and judges. This legal doctrine protects these officials from being held accountable for their actions, even when they knowingly violate the law. Prosecutors can present false evidence, suppress exculpatory evidence, and engage in misconduct without fear of personal consequences. Judges, similarly, can make biased and unlawful rulings with impunity. This lack of accountability mirrors the unchecked power wielded by Nazi officials, who committed atrocities without fear of retribution.

Executive Orders and Directives

Executive orders and directives, such as the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, have led to widespread human rights abuses. This policy resulted in family separations and the detention of thousands of children, drawing parallels to the state-sanctioned abductions and internments in Nazi Germany.

A Personal Note

My understanding and perspective on these issues are not merely academic or theoreticalthey are deeply personal. I have experienced firsthand the American criminal justice system in the state courts of Arizona, the family courts of Arizona, the immigration system in the federal courts, and its supposed ‘appellate process’. In each of these arenas, I encountered egregious violations of state court rules, the United States Constitution, fundamental freedoms, and the global consensus on human rights laws it cannot grant nor withdraw. These violations were not just incidental but were committed knowingly by those in positions of power, highlighting a systemic problem that mirrors some of the darkest chapters in history.

“The American Criminal Justice System apparatus is hopelessly opaque, concealing racist aims behind contorted justifications..”

Ewing Redmond Samuels III


The parallels between law enforcement practices in the current United States and Nazi Germany are deeply troubling. Both systems have utilized legal frameworks to justify acts of oppression, targeting marginalized groups under the guise of maintaining order and security. It is imperative that we recognize these patterns and advocate for reforms that uphold justice, accountability, and human rights for all.

By drawing attention to these issues, I hope to contribute to a broader movement for change and justice. It is through awareness and collective action that we can prevent history from repeating itself and ensure a more just and equitable future for everyone.

Thank you for reading.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

Defamation, Libel, and Slander: Unveiling the Truth Behind Injustice

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Exposing the Deception: The Impact of Selective Publications

Today, I want to delve into a topic that strikes at the core of justice and integrity: defamation, libel, and slander. As a victim of these injustices myself, I stand firm in shedding light on how state authorities can misuse their power to tarnish reputations and undermine credibility. Yet it must be understood that these very same state authorities deliberately, knowingly, and intentionally engage in routine active fraudulent concealment and the omission of material facts, denying due process, not some of the time, but ALL OF THE TIME!

Unveiling the Truth: A Closer Look at Incomplete Narratives

In my case, I have faced a barrage of challenges stemming from a wrongful and unlawful conviction in the State of Arizona. Despite being released after 6.5 years of incarceration, the ordeal did not end there. Upon my return to Belize, I discovered a web of publications scattered across various websites, each presenting fragments of the case without the full truth. These publications were not only misleading but also intentionally crafted to harm my reputation and credibility.

Standing Against Injustice: The Power of Accountability

The dissemination of incomplete and biased information has profound consequences. It not only erodes trust but also perpetuates misconceptions and prejudices. As someone deeply committed to upholding truth and justice, I refuse to let these falsehoods stand unchallenged.

Shedding Light on the Facts: Holding the Responsible Accountable

Let’s address the facts:

  1. Wrongful Conviction: On February 2, 2017, I was convicted under circumstances marred by injustice. Despite evidence pointing to my innocence, the legal system failed to deliver a fair trial.
  2. Incomplete Publications: Multiple websites have hosted documents related to my case, yet they only present partial information. This selective sharing not only distorts the narrative but also serves to defame my character.
  3. Damage to Reputation: The repercussions of these publications extend far beyond personal grievances. They impede my ability to rebuild my life and pursue justice for the injustices I’ve endured.

Advocating for Truth and Justice: A Call to Action

It’s crucial to hold accountable those responsible for perpetuating these falsehoods. By exposing the truth and demanding accountability, we pave the way for a more just and equitable society.

Utilizing Technology for Justice: Skyview A.I.’s Groundbreaking Contribution

In this pursuit of truth, my company, Skyview A.I. GSE, has developed a groundbreaking artificial intelligence application called Oversight. Oversight aids in uncovering blatant disregard of facts, assisting prosecuting attorneys in charging those ‘cloaked under color of law’ with crimes and human rights violations under universal jurisdiction. This innovative technology is a beacon of hope for those seeking accountability and justice in the face of systemic injustices.

The Below is a Preview of the Listing of Dirty and Corrupt Cops in Oversight:

Seeking Justice: Taking a Stand Against Injustice

Here are some of the websites hosting documents pertaining to my case:

  1. Website 1:
  2. Website 2:
  3. Website 3:
  4. Website 4:
  5. Website 5:
  6. Website 6:

While these publications may attempt to distort reality, I remain steadfast in my pursuit of truth and justice. With irrefutable evidence and unwavering determination, I am confident that justice will prevail. It is clear that the “authorities’ listed in these cases are armed with the power of a government with unlimited resources, and most people with this kind of power commit atrocties under the cloak, guise and color of law.

One must remember that even Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in power in Germany in the 1940s were arresting, detaining, imprisoning, deporting and executing individuals under the “color of law“. It was all deemed Legal. at that time. It is also very disturbing that some of these JEWISH descendants (prosecutors, judges, attorneys) in the courts are committing the very same atrocities against black and brown people with the power of their offices in the United States of America, that they constantly claim occurred to their own grandparents in Nazi Germany in the Holocaust. They know what racism is. They know what white supremacy is. They know exactly what they are doing!

Together We Stand: Uniting Against Falsehoods

In closing, I urge you to remain vigilant against misinformation and to stand with me in the fight against defamation, libel, and slander. Together, we can strive for a world where truth triumphs over falsehoods and justice prevails for all.

Thank you for your unwavering support,

Ewing Samuels