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Evolving Beyond Turmoil: Reflections

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As I sit down to reflect on my journey as a 45-year-old man, I am confronted with the weight of life experiences that have shaped me. My path has been strewn with challenges, injustices, and moments of profound revelation. I have witnessed things that cannot be unseen, and endured trials that cannot be undone. Yet, through it all, I have come to understand that forgiveness is not synonymous with forgetting, and holding people accountable is not an act of vengeance.

The Path of Forgiveness: Liberation and Healing

Life has a way of testing us, pushing us to our limits and forcing us to confront our deepest fears and insecurities. For me, this journey began with an unjust conviction that robbed me of my freedom and shattered my sense of security. It was a dark period in my life, one filled with pain, anger, and despair. But through the darkness, I found strength. I refused to be defined by my circumstances, and instead, I chose to rise above them.

Forgiveness, for me, has been a process—a journey of healing and self-discovery. It is not about erasing the past or pretending that the wounds inflicted upon me do not still ache. It is about acknowledging the pain, accepting it, and ultimately, releasing it. Forgiveness is a gift I give to myself, a liberation from the chains of resentment and bitterness.

Accountability: Seeking Justice and Closure

But forgiveness does not mean absolving others of their responsibility. Holding people to account is not about seeking revenge; it is about demanding justice. It is about standing up for what is right and ensuring that those who have wronged us are held accountable for their actions. It is a necessary step on the path to healing, both for ourselves and for society as a whole.

Professional Resilience: Leveraging Skills and Expertise

Throughout my career as a software engineer and business consultant, I have honed my skills and expertise, navigating complex challenges with precision and determination. My experience in Silicon Valley has equipped me with the tools necessary to confront adversity head-on, finding innovative solutions and forging new paths forward.

Architecting Success: Positioning for Victory

As a solutions architect engineer, I understand the power of strategy and planning. I recognize that success is not merely about overcoming obstacles but about positioning oneself for victory. My background in engineering equips me with the ability to analyze situations from multiple perspectives, identify weaknesses in the opposition’s case, and strategically present facts and evidence that dismantle their arguments.

Challenging the Status Quo: Exposing Injustice

My experience has shown me that the legal system often prioritizes technicalities over merits, allowing the state to win cases through procedural loopholes rather than substantive evidence. But armed with irrefutable proof and unwavering determination, I am prepared to challenge the status quo and expose the flaws in the state’s case against me.

The Power of Truth: Redefining Credibility

By presenting facts and evidence that undermine the state’s credibility and reveal the truth behind their motives, I aim to redefine the narrative and reclaim justice on my own terms. My journey is not just about seeking exoneration for myself but about shining a light on systemic injustices that affect countless others.

Embracing the Journey: Rising Above with Purpose and Resolve

In the face of uncertainty and adversity, I am guided by a sense of purpose and a commitment to justice. My experiences have taught me that true strength lies not in avoiding challenges but in confronting them with courage and resilience. As I continue to evolve and grow, I am confident that I am equipped with the skills, talents, and connections necessary to overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious.

Conclusion: A Journey of Redemption and Renewal

As I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the power of forgiveness, accountability, and professional resilience. By embracing these principles and leveraging my skills and expertise, I am ready to navigate life’s trials with grace and determination. Though the road ahead may be challenging, I am prepared to face it head-on, knowing that victory is within reach.

Unchecked Misconduct: the danger of dirty cops

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Today, I want to delve into a topic that has plagued our society for far too long: the existence of dirty cops and the dire consequences of their unchecked misconduct. The recent case of Derek Chauvin, whose actions led to the tragic death of George Floyd and sparked international outrage and protests, serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers posed by law enforcement officers who abuse their power.

The Case of Detective Marchele Miller:

Under the Surface: Unveiling the Criminal History

Detective Marchele Miller, unlike Derek Chauvin, does not have a record of misconduct. Instead, she has a troubling history of criminal behavior and an arrest record with the City of Chandler Police Department. Yet, despite this alarming background, the State of Arizona has gone above and beyond to conceal evidence of her criminal past, leaving me to fight for justice against insurmountable odds.


The Role of Acting Commander Matthew Siekmann:

A Betrayal of Trust and Accountability

Acting Commander Matthew Siekmann, Badge #6347, of the Professional Standards Bureau, knowingly and intentionately ignored my reporting that Detective Marchele Miller had a criminal history and an arrest record, despite the Police Department’s policy mandating an investigation and termination of such officers. Shockingly, it was later revealed that Siekmann had a personal connection to Miller, as they were friends, and he had given her high marks on her Personnel Profile in previous years, thus compromising the integrity of the investigation process.

Comparing Cases: The Derek Chauvin Trial vs. Detective Marchele Miller

The parallels between my case and the Derek Chauvin trial are striking. Both involve officers with troubling backgrounds, whose actions have had devastating consequences. However, in my case, the stakes are even higher, as the State of Arizona actively works to protect and shield officers with criminal histories from accountability.

The Path Forward: Seeking Accountability and Justice

This is a dangerous precedent that cannot be ignored. When law enforcement agencies fail to hold their own accountable, it undermines the very foundation of justice and erodes public trust in the system. It is a betrayal of the oath to serve and protect, and it puts innocent lives at risk.

Conclusion: Towards a Future of Transparency and Integrity

But despite the challenges I face, I refuse to back down. I will continue to fight for my rights and expose the corruption and misconduct that have plagued my case. I will not rest until justice is served, and those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

In the end, the fight against dirty cops is not just about seeking justice for individual victims—it is about holding the system accountable and ensuring that no one is above the law. Together, we can work towards a future where transparency, accountability, and integrity prevail.

Thank you for joining me on this journey towards justice.

Warm regards,

Ewing Samuels

The Brady List: Arizona’s Routine Practice Of NonDisclosure

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Title: The Brady List: Arizona’s Routine Practice Of NonDisclosure

Introduction: In our relentless pursuit of justice, it’s imperative to confront both the systemic flaws in the legal system and the accountability of those entrusted with upholding it. The Brady List serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive issue of prosecutorial misconduct, while recent legislative measures in California provide a roadmap for meaningful reform.

The Brady List (known as MCAO R15DD Report in the State of Arizona):

Exposing Systemic Flaws: The Brady List The Brady List sheds light on the disturbing prevalence of prosecutorial misconduct in Arizona. By failing to disclose crucial evidence, state attorneys undermine the very principles of fairness and justice. My own experience in case CR-2016-113647 highlights the devastating impact of this misconduct, leaving the lives of my toddler son and I shattered in its wake. The Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct 3.8, Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor, Arizona Constitution, U.S. Constitution, Supreme Court of the United States in Brady v. Maryland, Giglio v. United States has all determined that “the law requires the prosecution to disclose evidence whether or not the defendant requests any such.” The language is very clear and prosecutors who knowingly violate the law should be punished severely.

Demanding Accountability: Following California’s Lead Inspired by California’s proactive stance, where legislation enacted since 2016 mandates felony penalties for prosecutors who conceal material evidence, Arizona must follow suit. By implementing similar laws, we can hold state attorneys accountable for their actions and ensure that justice is not just a lofty ideal but a tangible reality for all.

Imposing Consequences: Prison Time for Prosecutors Concealing material impeachment and exculpatory evidence cannot go unpunished. Arizona must enact measures to impose prison time on prosecutors found guilty of such misconduct. This sends a clear message that justice cannot be compromised and that every individual, regardless of their position, is held to the highest standards of integrity. If such lawlessness goes unchecked, the only way to address grievances will clearly be by street justice and laws of retribution.

Uniting for Change: Advocating for Reform Addressing both the systemic failures highlighted by the Brady List and the need for prosecutorial accountability requires collective action. Let us unite in advocating for change and demanding that lawmakers take decisive action to uphold justice for all. Together, we can ensure that no one is above the law and that every individual is afforded their fundamental rights.

Conclusion: As we strive for justice, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to reforming Arizona’s legal system. By exposing systemic flaws, demanding accountability, and advocating for change, we can create a future where fairness and integrity prevail. Together, we can pave the way for a legal system that truly serves the interests of justice for all.

Behind the Badge: Dark Secrets of Detective Marchele Miller

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“Nothing dissolves dishonesty faster than the simple act of revealing the truth.”

David R. Hawkins (Power vs. Force)

Introduction: A Dark Day in Phoenix

Today, I am compelled to share a story that cuts deep into the fabric of justice. It’s a tale of betrayal, corruption, and the abuse of power—a story that has haunted me since the fateful day of March 21, 2016, in my own home in Phoenix, Arizona.

The Deception Unraveled: Detective Marchele Miller’s Betrayal

On that day, Detective Marchele Miller crossed a line that should never have been breached. She, a sworn officer of the law, was supposed to protect and serve. Instead, she orchestrated a web of deceit, fabricating evidence, and manipulating facts to fit a narrative that would serve her own agenda.

A Culture of Corruption: Systemic Failures Exposed

Detective Miller’s actions were not merely misguided; they were malicious. She went above and beyond to conceal evidence, omit crucial facts, and even resorted to kidnapping my innocent 5-year-old child, all in a bid to further her twisted version of events.

The Dark Past: Revealing Detective Miller’s Criminal History

What makes this betrayal all the more egregious is the revelation of Detective Marchele Miller’s own criminal history. Since her arrest on February 23, 2012, by the City of Chandler Police Department, she has a record tainted with racism, deception, and a tenacity for violence. This report serves as a glaring indication of her propensity for dishonesty—a trait that should have disqualified her from serving in law enforcement. This report is also concealed from the public, nowhere on the Rule 15 Arizona Disclosure Database, and the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office knowingly violates legal, federal and international laws of Due Process, Equal Protection and Fair Trial. Mr. Samuels never had a criminal record, until a criminal named Detective Marchele Miller gave him one.


The Series Continues: Exploring Case CR-2016-113647

This blog post is just one installment in a series shedding light on the injustices surrounding my case, CR-2016-113647, State of Arizona vs. Ewing Samuels. Stay tuned for further revelations and insights into the systemic failures that allowed such misconduct to occur.

Demanding Justice: Refusing to Stay Silent

As a software engineer and a business consultant, I’ve always believed in the power of facts and evidence. But when those entrusted with upholding justice become the very architects of injustice, it shakes the foundation of our society to its core. And as a cyber security expert with a team around the globe, it is my utmost duty and now life task to go after and expose criminals cloaked in the color of authority.

The Path Forward: Seeking Accountability and Reform

It’s clear to me now that Detective Miller was not acting alone. Her actions point to a systemic failure—a culture of corruption that allows such misconduct to flourish unchecked. But let me be unequivocal: I will not rest until justice is served.

The Call to Action: Standing Against Police Misconduct

The evidence against Detective Miller is irrefutable. She knowingly filed false reports, engaged in criminal conspiracy, and deprived me of my rights under the color of law. And as a father, the kidnapping of my child is an unforgivable transgression that I will never forget.

A Message to Detective Marchele Miller: Accountability Beckons

But this is not just my story—it’s a story that resonates with countless others who have been victims of police misconduct and abuse of power. It’s a call to action—a demand for accountability, transparency, and reform within our law enforcement agencies. There is no forgive and forget in the law – there is only the delivering of pains, penalties and punishment.

I refuse to be silenced. I refuse to let Detective Miller’s actions go unpunished. And I refuse to let my voice be drowned out by the deafening silence of complicity.

Conclusion: The Triumph of Truth and Justice

To Detective Marchele Miller, I have one message: your days of deceit are numbered. The truth will prevail, and justice will be served.


Ewing Samuels



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