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Invisible Scars: The Toll Of Imprisonment And Its Lifelong Impact

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Imprisonment is a harsh reality for many, but its effects extend far beyond the prison walls. The psychological trauma endured during incarceration can have profound and lasting impacts on an individual’s mental health, life outcomes, and overall outlook on life. This blog explores these effects, supported by statistics from reputable government agencies, and underscores the urgent need for reform and support for those reentering society.

Mental Health Effects of Imprisonment

Imprisonment often exposes individuals to a range of stressors, including isolation, violence, murder, torture, and a lack of autonomy. These conditions can lead to various mental health issues, such as:

  1. Depression and Anxiety: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than half of all prison and jail inmates in the U.S. have a mental health problem, with depression and anxiety being among the most common issues.
  2. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that 21% of prisoners have experienced PTSD, stemming from traumatic events during incarceration.
  3. Substance Abuse Disorders: Many inmates struggle with substance abuse issues, which are often exacerbated by the prison environment. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that around 58% of state prisoners and 63% of sentenced jail inmates meet the criteria for drug dependence or abuse.

The Adverse Impact on Life Outcomes

The effects of imprisonment are not confined to the time spent behind bars. They extend into every aspect of an individual’s life post-release, influencing their social, economic, and psychological well-being.

  1. Employment and Income: Former inmates face significant barriers to employment. The Bureau of Justice Statistics indicates that two-thirds of released prisoners were not employed within five years of their release. Those who do find work often earn significantly less than their peers, perpetuating a cycle of poverty.
  2. Education: Imprisonment can disrupt educational pursuits. Data from the U.S. Department of Education shows that only 14% of prisoners have some college education, compared to 48% of the general population.
  3. Recidivism: Mental health issues and lack of support can lead to high recidivism rates. The National Institute of Justice reports that within five years of release, about 76.6% of released prisoners are rearrested.

My Personal Journey

As someone who has experienced the full brunt of the prison system, I can attest to the deep and lasting impacts it has on one’s mental health and overall life. My name is Ewing Redmond Samuels III. Born in Belize City, Belize, in 1978, I emigrated to the United States as a child and built a life there, only to have it upended by a wrongful and unlawful conviction. After serving 6.5 years in the Arizona Department of Corrections and additional time in federal custody, I was deported back to Belize in 2023.

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) defines deportation or forcible transfer of a population as a crime against humanity. The ICC is located in The Hague and prosecutes individuals accused of crimes against humanity, which are serious violations committed against a civilian population. Deportation is defined as the displacement of people across an international border. Forcing people to leave their place of residence through expulsion or other coercive acts for reasons not permitted by international law could be a crime against humanity, a war crime, or both. The 15 forms of crimes against humanity listed in the Rome Statute include offences such as murder, rape, imprisonment, enforced disappearances, enslavement – particularly of women and children, sexual slavery, torture, apartheid and deportation.

Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court

Even though I now live in the paradise of the tropical Caribbean, the shadows of my incarceration linger. I struggle daily with a multitude of personal and professional challenges. The trauma has not only affected me but has also profoundly impacted my son, leaving us both grappling with lifelong scars.

Despite my 20 years of experience as a software engineer in Silicon Valley, and my extensive background as a business consultant and music and film producer, reintegration has been an uphill battle. The stigma of my past and the psychological toll of my experiences continue to pose significant hurdles.

Outlook on Life

The psychological toll of imprisonment can fundamentally alter an individual’s outlook on life. Feelings of hopelessness, mistrust, and social withdrawal are common among former inmates.

  1. Hopelessness and Despair: Prolonged exposure to the harsh conditions of prison life can lead to chronic feelings of hopelessness and despair, which can hinder reintegration efforts.
  2. Mistrust and Social Withdrawal: Many former inmates develop a deep-seated mistrust of others and often withdraw from social interactions. This isolation can prevent them from building the social support networks necessary for successful reintegration.
  3. Stigma and Discrimination: The stigma associated with a criminal record can lead to social and institutional discrimination, further alienating former inmates and diminishing their sense of self-worth.

The Need for Reform and Support

Addressing the mental health needs of inmates and providing comprehensive support post-release is crucial for improving life outcomes and reducing recidivism. Here are some steps that can make a difference:

  1. Mental Health Services: Increasing access to mental health services in prisons and jails can help mitigate some of the adverse effects of incarceration.
  2. Educational and Vocational Training: Providing inmates with educational and vocational training can improve their employment prospects post-release.
  3. Support Networks: Establishing robust support networks, including counseling, mentorship programs, and community support, can aid in the reintegration process.


The mental health effects of imprisonment are profound and far-reaching, influencing every aspect of an individual’s life post-release. By understanding these impacts and advocating for comprehensive reform and support, we can help former inmates rebuild their lives and contribute positively to society. I have seen more than I care to admit in the United States and the American criminal justice system, and now question the so called authorities in control of”law and order”.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

U.S. Human Rights Landscape: Insights from the 2023 GRIP Annual Report

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In an era where the narrative of American exceptionalism often pervades, it’s imperative to scrutinize the nation’s performance on a global scale, especially concerning human rights. The recently released 2023 GRIP Annual Report, a collaborative effort between the Global Rights Project (GRIP) and the CIRIGHTS data project, offers a sobering evaluation of the United States’ commitment to human rights.

Assessing America’s Standing

The report, which evaluates 195 countries across various human rights metrics, paints a nuanced picture of America’s standing in the world. Divided into four categories—physical integrity, empowerment, worker rights, and justice rights—the assessment aims to provide a comprehensive overview of each nation’s adherence to fundamental human rights principles.

A Closer Look at Challenges

Regrettably, the findings reveal a widespread disregard for human rights globally, with 60% of countries receiving failing grades. In this landscape, the United States narrowly avoided a failing grade, scoring a 64 and ranking 59th overall. While this may seem favorable compared to some nations, it underscores significant room for improvement within America’s human rights framework.

One of the report’s focal points is the discrepancy between America’s perceived strengths in civil and political rights and its shortcomings in other areas. Specifically, issues such as torture, extrajudicial killings, and labor rights highlight areas of concern. Law enforcement’s use of interrogation techniques bordering on torture and the disproportionate use of lethal force against black Americans underscore systemic issues that demand urgent attention.

Connecting Personal Experience to the Larger Context

As we absorb these findings, it’s essential to reflect on how they resonate with individual experiences. In my case, as someone who has faced egregious and flagrant violations of fundamental rights and due process within the U.S. legal system, this report strikes a particularly poignant chord. I have endured due process violations, fraud against me, the kidnapping of my 5 year old child, state authorities engaged in perjury in courts against me, deception to paint a picture that never existed and still doesn’t exist, overt racism, poisoned while incarcerated, denial of medical care while incarcerated, assaulted by correctional officer while in Florence, Arizona, placed in a dog cage all day, deplorable living conditions, torture, witnessing law enforcement smuggle drugs and phones in prison, and witnessing multiple murders while I was in prison. And NO, I will never help any law enforcement with what I have seen.

My wrongful and unlawful conviction served as a stark reminder of the imperfections within America’s justice system. It exemplifies how individuals can become ensnared in a system that, despite its professed commitment to human rights, can perpetuate injustice and deny individuals their fundamental rights.

2016 (BEFORE) 2022 (INCARCERATED) 2023 (RELEASED) 2024 (TODAY)

A Call for Vigilance and Accountability

In light of these revelations, it becomes evident that the U.S. government cannot be trusted with more significant matters if fundamental human rights are not safeguarded at home. The need for transparency, accountability, and a steadfast commitment to upholding human rights cannot be overstated. Only through collective vigilance and concerted efforts can we hold our institutions accountable and ensure that justice prevails for all.

Finding Hope Amidst Challenges

Despite these challenges, the report offers a glimmer of optimism by positioning the United States favorably compared to other populous countries and geopolitical rivals. While not without flaws, America’s relatively stronger performance in certain human rights indicators serves as a testament to the enduring values enshrined in its founding principles. Yet the country is seeing a downward spiral with clear knowledge of violating human rights on account of race, color, sex, religion, and national origin.

Moving Forward Together

As we reflect on these findings, it’s crucial to recognize that human rights progress is not linear. The report’s insights serve as a call to action for policymakers, activists, and citizens alike to redouble their efforts in upholding and advancing human rights both domestically and globally.

In closing, let us heed the words of Skip Mark, director of the Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies, who aptly remarked, “There’s a lot of work to do in terms of ensuring that all people have a chance to live a life of dignity and respect.” Together, let us strive to build a world where human rights are not just an aspiration but a lived reality for all.

I am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

The Hidden Truth: When Love Conceals a Sordid Past

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Unveiling Deception: A Betrayal of Trust

In matters of the heart, we often find ourselves entranced by the allure of love, drawn to another soul in a way that feels almost inevitable. We open our hearts, share our vulnerabilities, and believe in the promise of a future intertwined with our beloved. However, what happens when that future is built upon a foundation of secrets and unspoken truths?

The Shattering Revelation: A Personal Journey

In my own experience, I found myself entangled in a relationship where the surface appeared pristine, but beneath lay a web of deception. My romantic partner, whom I trusted implicitly, failed to disclose a past marred by a criminal history and an arrest record. It was a revelation that shattered the illusions I had constructed, leaving me reeling with disbelief and a profound sense of betrayal. Theft, criminal damage, domestic violence, alcoholism, interference with judicial proceedings, aggravated assault was all overwhelming as I learned of this information 2 years after my incarceration, while in prison. Nowhere in our 4 year relationship did this Jezebel mentioned any of this, yet she was 10 years older than I. Maybe I was naive?

Prior to meeting these two individuals, I have never had any criminal history nor arrest record.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” – MayaAngelou


Hidden Histories: The Impact Beyond Ourselves

But perhaps even more distressing was the discovery that my partner’s 24 year old son, Jamil Trevon Curd, shared a similar, if not more troubling, history. His own journey was fraught with challenges and poor choices, yet this crucial information remained concealed, casting a shadow of doubt over the authenticity of our relationship. It is even more disturbing that his own mother wanted to press charges on him for criminal conduct in her home.


The Ripple Effect: Community Perception and Self-Reflection

The ramifications of such revelations are far-reaching and deeply impactful. Trust, once broken, is not easily repaired. It erodes the very foundation upon which love is built, leaving behind a sense of insecurity and doubt that lingers long after the truth has been revealed. Moreover, the repercussions extend beyond the confines of our personal lives, affecting those around us in ways we may not fully comprehend. In my case, the implications of my partner’s hidden past reverberated through my community, tarnishing reputations and eliciting judgment from those who had once held us in high esteem.

Embracing Truth: A Journey of Resilience

But amidst the turmoil and heartache, there lies an opportunity for growth and introspection. It is a chance to reassess our priorities, redefine our boundaries, and reclaim our sense of agency in navigating the complexities of love and relationships. For me, this journey has been one of self-discovery and resilience. I refuse to be defined by the actions of others or constrained by the limitations of my past. Instead, I choose to embrace the truth, however painful it may be, and forge ahead with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

Moving Forward: Honoring Authenticity

To those who find themselves grappling with similar circumstances, I offer this advice: Trust your instincts, honor your worth, and never compromise your integrity for the sake of love. True happiness lies in authenticity, transparency, and the unwavering commitment to living a life guided by truth and integrity.

Conclusion: Embracing Love’s Light

In closing, let us remember that love, though fragile, possesses the power to heal and transform even the most broken of hearts. But it is only when we confront the shadows of our past that we can truly embrace the light of a brighter tomorrow.