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Unveiling the Truth: The Deception of Arizona’s Legal System

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Introduction: A Tale of Manipulation and Concealment

Today I must share a tale that unveils the unsettling truth behind the cloak of justice in Arizona. It’s a narrative of manipulation, concealment, and a blatant disregard for truth and fairness.

The State’s Star Witness: Jamil Trevon Curd

In the heart of this story lies Jamil Trevon Curd, the State’s star witness, a figure who, unbeknownst to many, carried a shadowy past tainted with multiple arrests and warrants. However, it wasn’t his past alone that should have raised eyebrows; it was the concerted effort by the State of Arizona, Detective Marchele Miller, the City of Phoenix Police Department, and Deputy County Attorney Lori A. Eidemanis and the Maricopa County Attorney Office to shroud this crucial information. Below is only a partial of Jamil Trevon Curd’s criminal history and arrest record in the State of Arizona. The record is the proof. The State of Arizona cannot be trusted!!!

The Concealment of Crucial Information

Imagine standing trial, facing allegations, while the prosecution’s key witness hides a laundry list of criminal activities. Despite the Manslaughter Statute in Arizona (A.R.S. 13-1103) covering the incident detailed in the police report below, the State proceeded with the trial, knowingly concealing impeachment and exculpatory evidence from the defense—me, with an immaculate record, void of any criminal history or arrest record, whatsoever.

The Revelation in Court

Jamil Curd’s rap sheet was far from inconspicuous—five arrest warrants painted a vivid picture of his questionable character. Yet, Detective Marchele Miller, in a blatant breach of duty, ensured this crucial information remained buried. It wasn’t until January 25, 2017, during a pivotal moment in trial court, that the deception was laid bare for all to see.

The Complicity of the Judiciary

But even when caught red-handed, justice remained elusive. Judge George H. Foster, Jr. allegedly conspired with the State, turning a blind eye to the truth. When Sheriff’s deputies arrived at his chambers to arrest Curd, it was a testament to the system’s flaws—a system designed to protect the innocent, yet seemingly manipulated to safeguard those in power. Both the Transcript and the Video recording of January 25, 2017 is damning evidence against Judge George H. Foster, Jr. himself, as it indicates and implicates that he knowingly violated State, Federal and International laws – all of my legal, constitutional and federal rights, to assist the State in wrongful and unlawful conviction.

Revealing the Cover-Up

Amidst the layers of deception, another chilling revelation emergesJamil Trevon Curd was under a pending investigation for the death of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015. Shockingly, the State completely concealed this crucial detail while doing its best to impugn my character with a flawless criminal history. I am fully aware that this is a matter for the federal and international authorities. The below report is irrefutable evidence that casts a major shadow of doubt regarding the actions of Deputy County Attorney Lori Eidemanis and the Maricopa County Attorney Office for even having the audacity to carry on with a trial while having such damning evidence regarding the state’s witness himself.

The Legal Ramifications

When a prosecuting attorney like Lori A. Eidemanis conceals evidence, such as the criminal history and arrest record of Jamil Trevon Curd, from the defendant—me—by nondisclosure, it strikes at the heart of the case, particularly credibility. Precedent case rulings from the Supreme Court of the United States have unequivocally established that such actions constitute a clear violation of Due Process under the Fourteenth Amendment. Countless examples exist of cases reversed due to such violations, and the County Attorney’s office is liable for such egregious breaches. Brady v. Maryland, Giglio v. United States, United States v. Bagley, and Kyles v. Whitley, all fall under the Brady rule.

Conclusion: A Call for Reform

This isn’t just a story of one man’s struggle for exoneration; it’s a damning indictment of a system rife with corruption and deceit. The very institutions entrusted with upholding justice—law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and the judiciary—failed in their duty to ensure fairness and transparency. Because the State authorities cannot be trusted, I am taking this case to the public court of opinion. I am a firm believer that “no one is above the law“, and police officers, prosecuting attorneys and judges that claim “immunity” from serious wrongdoing are a clear and present danger to the republic for which it stands. This will inevitably lead to vigilante justice, as history has already proven this.

As I continue my fight for justice, I’m compelled to shine a light on these dark corners of the legal system. It’s a battle not just for my own exoneration but for the countless others who’ve fallen victim to the same systemic failures.

In the pursuit of truth, we must hold accountable those who abuse their authority and betray the very principles they swore to uphold. Let this be a rallying cry for reform, for a justice system that truly serves all, regardless of power or privilege.

With determination and resolve,

Ewing Samuels

Evolving Beyond Turmoil: Reflections

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As I sit down to reflect on my journey as a 45-year-old man, I am confronted with the weight of life experiences that have shaped me. My path has been strewn with challenges, injustices, and moments of profound revelation. I have witnessed things that cannot be unseen, and endured trials that cannot be undone. Yet, through it all, I have come to understand that forgiveness is not synonymous with forgetting, and holding people accountable is not an act of vengeance.

The Path of Forgiveness: Liberation and Healing

Life has a way of testing us, pushing us to our limits and forcing us to confront our deepest fears and insecurities. For me, this journey began with an unjust conviction that robbed me of my freedom and shattered my sense of security. It was a dark period in my life, one filled with pain, anger, and despair. But through the darkness, I found strength. I refused to be defined by my circumstances, and instead, I chose to rise above them.

Forgiveness, for me, has been a process—a journey of healing and self-discovery. It is not about erasing the past or pretending that the wounds inflicted upon me do not still ache. It is about acknowledging the pain, accepting it, and ultimately, releasing it. Forgiveness is a gift I give to myself, a liberation from the chains of resentment and bitterness.

Accountability: Seeking Justice and Closure

But forgiveness does not mean absolving others of their responsibility. Holding people to account is not about seeking revenge; it is about demanding justice. It is about standing up for what is right and ensuring that those who have wronged us are held accountable for their actions. It is a necessary step on the path to healing, both for ourselves and for society as a whole.

Professional Resilience: Leveraging Skills and Expertise

Throughout my career as a software engineer and business consultant, I have honed my skills and expertise, navigating complex challenges with precision and determination. My experience in Silicon Valley has equipped me with the tools necessary to confront adversity head-on, finding innovative solutions and forging new paths forward.

Architecting Success: Positioning for Victory

As a solutions architect engineer, I understand the power of strategy and planning. I recognize that success is not merely about overcoming obstacles but about positioning oneself for victory. My background in engineering equips me with the ability to analyze situations from multiple perspectives, identify weaknesses in the opposition’s case, and strategically present facts and evidence that dismantle their arguments.

Challenging the Status Quo: Exposing Injustice

My experience has shown me that the legal system often prioritizes technicalities over merits, allowing the state to win cases through procedural loopholes rather than substantive evidence. But armed with irrefutable proof and unwavering determination, I am prepared to challenge the status quo and expose the flaws in the state’s case against me.

The Power of Truth: Redefining Credibility

By presenting facts and evidence that undermine the state’s credibility and reveal the truth behind their motives, I aim to redefine the narrative and reclaim justice on my own terms. My journey is not just about seeking exoneration for myself but about shining a light on systemic injustices that affect countless others.

Embracing the Journey: Rising Above with Purpose and Resolve

In the face of uncertainty and adversity, I am guided by a sense of purpose and a commitment to justice. My experiences have taught me that true strength lies not in avoiding challenges but in confronting them with courage and resilience. As I continue to evolve and grow, I am confident that I am equipped with the skills, talents, and connections necessary to overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious.

Conclusion: A Journey of Redemption and Renewal

As I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the power of forgiveness, accountability, and professional resilience. By embracing these principles and leveraging my skills and expertise, I am ready to navigate life’s trials with grace and determination. Though the road ahead may be challenging, I am prepared to face it head-on, knowing that victory is within reach.

Remembering Consuelo Delourdes Gallego-Scott

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Today marks a significant day in my heart—a day that resonates with both celebration and somber reflection. It would have been my mother’s 66th birthday, a woman whose presence in my life has left an indelible mark of love and nurturing. As I reminisce about her life, I find solace in honoring her memory through this tribute.

A Life of Dedication

Born on April 5, 1958, Consuelo Delourdes Gallego-Scott embodied the essence of compassion and care. With a devout commitment to healing others, she pursued a career in nursing—a profession she was destined for from an early age. Her childhood fascination with nursing, as recounted by my grandmother, Marie Carter Gallego, illustrated her unwavering sense of purpose.

A Matriarch’s Legacy

As the proud mother of two children, including myself, Ewing Samuels, born on August 10, 1978, and my younger sister Shiva-Lei Scott, born on April 29, 1984, Consuelo epitomized the essence of maternal love. Her nurturing spirit extended beyond our family circle, touching the lives of countless patients she cared for throughout her career. She epitomized strength, and taught her children never to back down from anyone if you believe your truths.

Embracing Caribbean Roots

Raised in the Central American country of Belize, Consuelo’s upbringing was steeped in the vibrant tapestry of Caribbean culture. Her journey to the United States in the early 1980s symbolized her pursuit of the American dream—a quest for a brighter future for herself and her newborn son, Ewing. Settling in Los Angeles, California, she became a cornerstone of the local medical community, serving diligently at prestigious institutions such as UCLA in Westwood and Cedars Sinai in Beverly Hills.

A Heartfelt Departure

Tragically, Consuelo’s life was cut short on February 22, 2000, by an acute myocarditis, leaving behind a legacy of love, compassion, and dedication. Though her physical presence may have departed, her spirit continues to linger, watching over her loved ones with unwavering affection.

Eternal Love

As we commemorate her birthday today, I am reminded of the profound impact she has had on my life and the lives of those she touched. Though she never had the opportunity to meet her grandson, Eli, her presence remains palpable, a guiding light in our journey through life.

In loving memory of Consuelo Delourdes Gallego-Scott, may her legacy continue to inspire kindness, compassion, and healing for generations to come.

Forever in our hearts,

Ewing Samuels

Unveiling injustice: Phoenix police department exposed

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In the land of the free, justice is supposed to be blind, but in Phoenix, Arizona, the reality is starkly different. The Phoenix Police Department has a long and troubling history marred by allegations of racism, corruption, and a blatant disregard for the rights of citizens and residents. One egregious example of this misconduct involves the unjust targeting and victimization of me, Mr. Ewing Samuels and my innocent 5-year-old child. The record, itself, is the proof.

A Legacy of Racism and Corruption:

The roots of the Phoenix Police Department’s systemic issues run deep, with a legacy of racism and corruption casting a shadow over the community it serves, since its founding in 1881 with Confederates. From discriminatory policing practices to the unchecked abuse of power, the department has failed to uphold its duty to protect and serve all members of society equally.

Violating Rights with Impunity:

Under the guise of law enforcement, certain officers within the Phoenix Police Department have operated with impunity, trampling on the rights of individuals with reckless abandon. The harrowing experience I have encountered serves as a chilling reminder of the unchecked power wielded by those sworn to uphold the law.

The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871:

Enacted during a tumultuous period in American history, the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 was intended to combat the rampant violence and intimidation tactics employed by white supremacist groups and those cloaked in the color of authority, from police officers to prosecutors and even judges in the States. Today, it stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking justice in the face of institutionalized racism and oppression.

18 U.S.C. § 242. Section 242:

At the heart of the matter lies Section 242 of the Federal Criminal Statute, which enforces constitutional limits on the conduct of law enforcement officers. This crucial piece of legislation holds officers accountable for abuses of power and violations of civil rights, providing a pathway to justice for victims of police misconduct.

The law clearly states:

“Whoever, under color of any law, …willfully subjects any person…to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States [shall be guilty of a crime].”

Targeting Detective Marchele Miller and Others:

Detective Marchele Miller, Detective Christopher Gitsch, Officer Todd Stevens, Officer John Noe, Officer Christopher J. Parese, and Sergeant Heather Howell-Maldonado stand accused of egregious misconduct in their handling of my case. Their direct involvement in the kidnapping of my child, criminal conspiracy against rights, deprivation of rights under color of law, and falsification of reports cannot be overlooked.

Ignoring Facts, Relying On Prejudice:

Despite evidence implicating an individual named JTC (below) with a lengthy criminal history, multiple arrest warrants, and an investigation into the murder of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015. Detective Marchele Miller and the Phoenix PD clearly chose to turn a blind eye to the truth, even with the access to the database of the department itself, proving the police acted with malice. Instead, they unjustly targeted Mr. Samuels and his child, perpetuating a cycle of injustice and trauma.


My case shines a spotlight on the dark underbelly of the Phoenix Police Department, revealing a pattern of racism, corruption, and violation of rights. As we strive for accountability and reform, it is imperative that we hold those responsible for these egregious acts to the fullest extent of the law. The time for justice is now.

In All Honesty,

Ewing Samuels

Unchecked Misconduct: the danger of dirty cops

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Today, I want to delve into a topic that has plagued our society for far too long: the existence of dirty cops and the dire consequences of their unchecked misconduct. The recent case of Derek Chauvin, whose actions led to the tragic death of George Floyd and sparked international outrage and protests, serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers posed by law enforcement officers who abuse their power.

The Case of Detective Marchele Miller:

Under the Surface: Unveiling the Criminal History

Detective Marchele Miller, unlike Derek Chauvin, does not have a record of misconduct. Instead, she has a troubling history of criminal behavior and an arrest record with the City of Chandler Police Department. Yet, despite this alarming background, the State of Arizona has gone above and beyond to conceal evidence of her criminal past, leaving me to fight for justice against insurmountable odds.


The Role of Acting Commander Matthew Siekmann:

A Betrayal of Trust and Accountability

Acting Commander Matthew Siekmann, Badge #6347, of the Professional Standards Bureau, knowingly and intentionately ignored my reporting that Detective Marchele Miller had a criminal history and an arrest record, despite the Police Department’s policy mandating an investigation and termination of such officers. Shockingly, it was later revealed that Siekmann had a personal connection to Miller, as they were friends, and he had given her high marks on her Personnel Profile in previous years, thus compromising the integrity of the investigation process.

Comparing Cases: The Derek Chauvin Trial vs. Detective Marchele Miller

The parallels between my case and the Derek Chauvin trial are striking. Both involve officers with troubling backgrounds, whose actions have had devastating consequences. However, in my case, the stakes are even higher, as the State of Arizona actively works to protect and shield officers with criminal histories from accountability.

The Path Forward: Seeking Accountability and Justice

This is a dangerous precedent that cannot be ignored. When law enforcement agencies fail to hold their own accountable, it undermines the very foundation of justice and erodes public trust in the system. It is a betrayal of the oath to serve and protect, and it puts innocent lives at risk.

Conclusion: Towards a Future of Transparency and Integrity

But despite the challenges I face, I refuse to back down. I will continue to fight for my rights and expose the corruption and misconduct that have plagued my case. I will not rest until justice is served, and those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

In the end, the fight against dirty cops is not just about seeking justice for individual victims—it is about holding the system accountable and ensuring that no one is above the law. Together, we can work towards a future where transparency, accountability, and integrity prevail.

Thank you for joining me on this journey towards justice.

Warm regards,

Ewing Samuels

Rethinking the American Jury System: Pillars of injustice

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Introduction: Challenging the Pillars of Justice

Today, we embark on a journey into the heart of one of its most cherished institutions: the jury system. But as we peel back the layers of history and tradition, we must confront a fundamental question: does this system still serve the ideals of justice in our modern world? Join me as we delve into the complexities and controversies surrounding the American jury system, and dare to envision a more equitable path forward.

The Problem of Bias: A Flawed Foundation

The jury system, often hailed as the hallmark of democracy, traces its roots back to medieval England under King Henry II. Fast forward to today, and the United States stands virtually alone in championing this centuries-old tradition. But is it time to reconsider our allegiance to the jury trial?

Confirmation Bias and Discriminatory Practices

Let’s address the elephant in the courtroom: bias. The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to an “impartial jury,” but let’s face it, folks, impartiality is a lofty ideal that often falls short in reality. Voir dire, the process of jury selection, has become a battlefield where attorneys strategically weed out jurors whose views don’t align with their case. It’s less about fairness and more about gaining a strategic advantage.

Prosecutorial Influence and Government Prestige

But wait, there’s more. Prosecutors, armed with the prestige of the government, often wield their influence to sway jurors towards wrongful and unlawful convictions. This misuse of power further undermines the impartiality of the jury system and erodes public trust in the justice system.

Media Influence: A Modern Challenge

Confirmation bias, that pesky tendency to cherry-pick information that confirms our preconceived beliefs, runs rampant in the jury box. Studies have shown that jurors are influenced by everything from political ideology to racial biases. And let’s not forget about peremptory challenges, the legal loophole that’s been used to systematically exclude minorities from juries. It’s a system ripe for exploitation and in desperate need of reform.

Competency: The Jury’s Achilles’ Heel

Let’s talk about the competency conundrum. Imagine this: everyday citizens, often with no legal background, tasked with deciphering the complexities of the law. It’s like expecting a ship captain to navigate a storm without a compass. The result? Verdicts that may be swayed more by bewilderment than clarity. But it’s not just about comprehension; it’s also about exclusion. Prospective jurors with relevant expertise are often sidelined during voir dire because they “know too much.” This leaves juries comprised of well-meaning individuals who may lack the fundamental understanding needed to make informed decisions.

Examples of Questionable Convictions from Juries

  1. The Central Park Five (1989): In one of the most notorious cases of prosecutorial misconduct, five Black and Latino teenagers were wrongfully convicted of raping a jogger in Central Park, New York City. The prosecution, led by Linda Fairstein, presented a narrative of guilt despite lack of physical evidence, coerced confessions, and DNA evidence that later exonerated the defendants. Their convictions were vacated in 2002 after the real perpetrator confessed.
  2. The West Memphis Three (1993): Three teenagers—Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley Jr.—were convicted of murdering three young boys in Arkansas. The prosecution relied heavily on coerced confessions and circumstantial evidence, while ignoring potentially exculpatory evidence. The case garnered widespread attention, and in 2011, after new DNA evidence emerged, the defendants entered Alford pleas and were released from prison.
  3. The Duke Lacrosse Case (2006): Three members of the Duke University lacrosse team were accused of raping a stripper at a team party. The district attorney, Mike Nifong, pursued charges despite inconsistencies in the accuser’s story and lack of DNA evidence linking the defendants to the alleged assault. The case eventually fell apart, and the defendants were declared innocent. Nifong was disbarred for his misconduct.
  4. The Case of Cameron Todd Willingham (1991): Willingham was convicted of arson and murder in Texas after a house fire killed his three young daughters. Prosecutors relied on faulty forensic evidence to secure the conviction, despite expert opinions suggesting the fire was accidental. Willingham was executed in 2004, but subsequent investigations raised serious doubts about his guilt, leading to widespread criticism of the prosecution’s tactics.

These cases serve as stark reminders of the fallibility of the justice system and the potential for prosecutors to sway juries with misleading narratives and incomplete evidence. They underscore the importance of vigilance in safeguarding the rights of the accused and ensuring that justice is truly served.

Conclusion: Towards a More Just System

In conclusion, folks, the American jury system, while noble in theory, is in dire need of a reality check. Bias, prosecutorial influence, media influence, and incompetence are just a few of the hurdles we face. It’s time to roll up our sleeves, folks, and start reimagining a justice system that truly serves the people.

Until next time,

Ewing Samuels

Unveiling the Intersection of Capitalism and Slavery in American History

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Welcome to, where we dive into thought-provoking topics that shape our understanding of the world. Today, we’re shining a light on a crucial aspect of American history: the intricate relationship between capitalism and slavery.

Capitalism, often hailed as the engine of economic prosperity, is a system built on the pursuit of profit and private ownership of resources. Yet, beneath its glossy facade lies a darker narrative deeply entwined with the institution of slavery in the United States.

From the moment European settlers stepped foot on American soil, the exploitation of enslaved Africans became central to the economic framework of the New World. Enslaved individuals were treated not as human beings but as commodities, bought and sold to work on plantations producing lucrative crops like tobacco, cotton, and sugar.

The profitability of slavery fueled the growth of capitalism, enriching plantation owners and industries alike. The trade of enslaved Africans, part of the notorious “triangle trade,” brought immense wealth to European nations while perpetuating the brutal cycle of exploitation in the Americas.

Even after the abolition of slavery, capitalism continued to perpetuate economic inequality and racial injustice through mechanisms like sharecropping, convict leasing, and Jim Crow laws. These systems ensured that the legacy of slavery persisted, shaping the socioeconomic landscape of the United States for generations to come.

Today, we see the lingering effects of this history in the persistent wealth gap between white and black Americans, disparities in access to education, healthcare, and opportunities. The scars of slavery run deep, reminding us that the past continues to influence the present.

As we navigate the complexities of capitalism and its historical ties to slavery, it’s crucial to confront these uncomfortable truths. Only by acknowledging the systemic injustices embedded in our economic systems can we begin to dismantle them and strive for a more equitable future.

Join us on as we continue to explore topics that challenge our perspectives and inspire meaningful dialogue. Let’s work together to build a world where justice and equality prevail. Thank you for being a part of this journey.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

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