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Phoenix Police Exposed: Criminal Conspiracy Against Rights & Deprivation of rights under color of law

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Corruption within law enforcement is not just an isolated incident but often a pattern of systemic issues that pervade entire departments. The Phoenix Police Department (PPD) stands accused of serious wrongdoing, including abuse of authority, criminal conduct, and violations of civil, constitutional, and human rights. My personal experience with the PPD and the findings from the latest Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation reveal a disturbing pattern of criminal conspiracy and deprivation of rights under color of law. This blog aims to shed light on these abuses, backed by irrefutable facts, proofs, and evidence.

A Case of Wrongful Conviction: Ewing Redmond Samuels III

In February 2017, I was wrongfully convicted due to false police reports and an indictment obtained by Phoenix Police Detective Marchele Miller. Despite her criminal history and arrest record by the Chandler Police, which was concealed by the Maricopa County Attorney Lori Eidemanis, David Foster and William Montgomery (now an Arizona Supreme Court Justice), Miller’s fabricated charges led to my unlawful imprisonment. My case exemplifies the habitual and routine pattern of corruption within the PPD and law enforcement in Arizona. Even though Detective Marchele Miller was in possession of all the proof and evidence from the Database of the Phoenix Police Department itself, she chose to engage in kidnapping of my 5 year old child, concealment of the murder of Royce Emmett Walker by the PPD’s confidential informant Jamil Curd, concealment of 5 arrest warrants at the time and at trial, cover-up, criminal conspiracy, and deprivation of rights under color of law all on the account of my race, color, and national origin.

Key Facts and Evidence

  1. False Police Report and Indictment: Detective Marchele Miller’s false reports and the subsequent indictment were pivotal in my wrongful conviction. Miller’s credibility was compromised by her undisclosed criminal history, which should have disqualified her from any investigatory role, under the law.
  2. DOJ Findings: The recent DOJ investigation into the Phoenix Police Department uncovered widespread abuses and violations of civil rights. The report, which included numerous instances of excessive force, wrongful arrests, and discriminatory practices, supports my claims of systemic corruption.
  3. Criminal Statutes Violated: The actions of the PPD violate Title 18 USC §§ 241 and 242, which pertain to conspiracy against rights and deprivation of rights under color of law. These statutes make it a federal crime for anyone to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in the free exercise of any right or privilege secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
  4. Patterns of Misconduct: The DOJ report highlights a pattern of misconduct within the PPD, including:
    • Routine use of excessive force against civilians.
    • Racial profiling and discriminatory practices.
    • Retaliation against individuals who file complaints or speak out against police misconduct.

Specifics from the DOJ Report

  • The report found that officers frequently violated the Fourth Amendment by conducting unlawful searches and seizures.
  • There were multiple documented cases of the PPD’s failure to properly investigate and discipline officers involved in misconduct.
  • Evidence showed that PPD officers often used excessive force against vulnerable populations, including people with disabilities and those experiencing homelessness.

Impact on Victims

The systemic corruption within the PPD has had devastating impacts on countless individuals, including myself. These abuses not only result in wrongful convictions but also erode public trust in law enforcement, making communities less safe. Victims of these abuses suffer from long-term psychological, emotional, and financial hardships. I can attest that I will never trust any law enforcement officer from the City of Phoenix, The County of Maricopa and the State of Arizona, even more so the entire United States.

“I will never trust any law enforcement officer from the City of Phoenix, The County of Maricopa and the State of Arizona…”

cyber security expert, Ewing Redmond Samuels III


The Phoenix Police Department’s habitual and routine pattern of criminal conspiracy and deprivation of rights under color of law must be addressed at the highest levels. My wrongful conviction is a testament to the severe consequences of unchecked police misconduct. It is imperative that federal authorities take swift and decisive action to prosecute those responsible under Title 18 USC §§ 241 and 242. Only through accountability and systemic reform can justice be restored, and the civil, constitutional, and human rights of all individuals be safeguarded.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

For more detailed information, including the full DOJ investigation report and supporting documents from my case, please visit


  • United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division. “Investigation of the Phoenix Police Department and the City of Phoenix.” [DOJ Report]
  • Title 18 USC §§ 241 and 242 – Conspiracy against rights and deprivation of rights under color of law.

This blog aims to inform and mobilize the public to demand justice and reform within the Phoenix Police Department. By exposing these abuses, we can work towards a future where law enforcement upholds the rights and dignity of every individual.

Navigating the Herd Mentality: The NEED For Critical Thinking & Logical Reasoning

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Today I want to delve into a topic that’s been weighing heavily on my mind: the decline of critical thinking in today’s society. In an age where information bombards us from every angle, it’s more crucial than ever to sharpen our ability to think critically and reason logically. Yet, it seems that herd mentality often prevails, leading many astray like sheep to the slaughter.

Understanding Herd Mentality

What exactly do I mean by herd mentality? It’s the phenomenon where individuals tend to conform to the behaviors, beliefs, and opinions of the majority, often without questioning or analyzing them. It’s also known as the bandwagon effect. This conformity can be comforting, as it provides a sense of belonging and security. However, it can also be dangerous, as it blinds us to alternative perspectives and leaves us vulnerable to manipulation and misinformation.

The Challenge of Information Overload

In today’s hyper-connected world, we’re inundated with information from social media, news outlets, and other sources. While this abundance of information can be empowering, it also presents a challenge: how do we separate fact from fiction, truth from propaganda?

The Role of Critical Thinking

The answer lies in cultivating our critical thinking skills. Critical thinking involves actively and skillfully evaluating information, arguments, and evidence to make informed decisions. It’s about questioning assumptions, challenging beliefs, and approaching issues with an open mind.

Obstacles to Critical Thinking

Unfortunately, critical thinking seems to be in short supply these days. Instead, we’re bombarded with sensationalist headlines, echo chambers that reinforce our existing beliefs, and soundbites designed to manipulate rather than inform.

Implications in Real-Life Situations

Take, for example, my own case. In my experience, I’ve seen firsthand how the absence of critical thinking and logical reasoning can lead to serious consequences. When individuals blindly follow the herd, without questioning the validity of the information presented to them, it can result in grave injustices. Not only does this impact the individual directly involved, but it also implicates the entire system that failed to uphold principles of fairness and justice. Below is evindence of FRAUD, KIDNAPPING, and CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY committed by the State of Arizona and its legal authorities. Under universal jurisdiction and both federal and international laws, the crimes committed are subject to 20 years to life in prison. The State of Arizona cannot be taken serious when it covered up the death of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015 and the very same murder suspect Jamil Trevon Curd was given immunity to testify against me. While Detective Marchele Miller the case manager went to grave lengths to push a narrative that was based on deception. And increasing the errors a thousandfold was the deliberate violations of ommitting material facts, concealing impeachment and exculpatory evidence,perjury, subornation, and too much to list…conducted by William Montgomery, David Foster and Lori Eidemenis of the Maricopa County Attorney Office in a ‘court of law’. Then the Court itself, of George H. Foster, Jr. and the Superior Court of Maricopa County is allowed to continue intentional violations to cover up State authorities crimes, with ORDERS from the court with no real adequate investigation into the facts thereof, but to attain, maintain, and sustain convictions on technicalities rather than merits.

Strategies for Improvement

So, what can we do to combat this trend? First and foremost, we must become more mindful consumers of information. This means taking the time to verify sources, cross-check information, and seek out diverse perspectives. It also means being willing to admit when we’re wrong and adjust our beliefs accordingly.

The Importance of Education

Furthermore, we need to teach critical thinking skills from an early age. Education systems should prioritize teaching students how to think, not what to think. By instilling a foundation of logic, reasoning, and skepticism, we can empower the next generation to navigate the complexities of the modern world with clarity and confidence.

The Power of Independent Thought

But perhaps most importantly, we must be willing to think for ourselves. It’s easy to succumb to the pressure of the crowd, to follow the path of least resistance. But true wisdom lies in forging our own path, even if it means standing alone against the tide.


In conclusion, the rise of herd mentality in today’s society is a cause for concern. But it’s not too late to turn the tide. By prioritizing critical thinking and logical reasoning, we can reclaim our autonomy, challenge the status quo, and build a brighter future for generations to come.

Until next time,

I am,

Ewing Samuels

U.S. Human Rights Landscape: Insights from the 2023 GRIP Annual Report

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In an era where the narrative of American exceptionalism often pervades, it’s imperative to scrutinize the nation’s performance on a global scale, especially concerning human rights. The recently released 2023 GRIP Annual Report, a collaborative effort between the Global Rights Project (GRIP) and the CIRIGHTS data project, offers a sobering evaluation of the United States’ commitment to human rights.

Assessing America’s Standing

The report, which evaluates 195 countries across various human rights metrics, paints a nuanced picture of America’s standing in the world. Divided into four categories—physical integrity, empowerment, worker rights, and justice rights—the assessment aims to provide a comprehensive overview of each nation’s adherence to fundamental human rights principles.

A Closer Look at Challenges

Regrettably, the findings reveal a widespread disregard for human rights globally, with 60% of countries receiving failing grades. In this landscape, the United States narrowly avoided a failing grade, scoring a 64 and ranking 59th overall. While this may seem favorable compared to some nations, it underscores significant room for improvement within America’s human rights framework.

One of the report’s focal points is the discrepancy between America’s perceived strengths in civil and political rights and its shortcomings in other areas. Specifically, issues such as torture, extrajudicial killings, and labor rights highlight areas of concern. Law enforcement’s use of interrogation techniques bordering on torture and the disproportionate use of lethal force against black Americans underscore systemic issues that demand urgent attention.

Connecting Personal Experience to the Larger Context

As we absorb these findings, it’s essential to reflect on how they resonate with individual experiences. In my case, as someone who has faced egregious and flagrant violations of fundamental rights and due process within the U.S. legal system, this report strikes a particularly poignant chord. I have endured due process violations, fraud against me, the kidnapping of my 5 year old child, state authorities engaged in perjury in courts against me, deception to paint a picture that never existed and still doesn’t exist, overt racism, poisoned while incarcerated, denial of medical care while incarcerated, assaulted by correctional officer while in Florence, Arizona, placed in a dog cage all day, deplorable living conditions, torture, witnessing law enforcement smuggle drugs and phones in prison, and witnessing multiple murders while I was in prison. And NO, I will never help any law enforcement with what I have seen.

My wrongful and unlawful conviction served as a stark reminder of the imperfections within America’s justice system. It exemplifies how individuals can become ensnared in a system that, despite its professed commitment to human rights, can perpetuate injustice and deny individuals their fundamental rights.

2016 (BEFORE) 2022 (INCARCERATED) 2023 (RELEASED) 2024 (TODAY)

A Call for Vigilance and Accountability

In light of these revelations, it becomes evident that the U.S. government cannot be trusted with more significant matters if fundamental human rights are not safeguarded at home. The need for transparency, accountability, and a steadfast commitment to upholding human rights cannot be overstated. Only through collective vigilance and concerted efforts can we hold our institutions accountable and ensure that justice prevails for all.

Finding Hope Amidst Challenges

Despite these challenges, the report offers a glimmer of optimism by positioning the United States favorably compared to other populous countries and geopolitical rivals. While not without flaws, America’s relatively stronger performance in certain human rights indicators serves as a testament to the enduring values enshrined in its founding principles. Yet the country is seeing a downward spiral with clear knowledge of violating human rights on account of race, color, sex, religion, and national origin.

Moving Forward Together

As we reflect on these findings, it’s crucial to recognize that human rights progress is not linear. The report’s insights serve as a call to action for policymakers, activists, and citizens alike to redouble their efforts in upholding and advancing human rights both domestically and globally.

In closing, let us heed the words of Skip Mark, director of the Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies, who aptly remarked, “There’s a lot of work to do in terms of ensuring that all people have a chance to live a life of dignity and respect.” Together, let us strive to build a world where human rights are not just an aspiration but a lived reality for all.

I am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

Defamation, Libel, and Slander: Unveiling the Truth Behind Injustice

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Exposing the Deception: The Impact of Selective Publications

Today, I want to delve into a topic that strikes at the core of justice and integrity: defamation, libel, and slander. As a victim of these injustices myself, I stand firm in shedding light on how state authorities can misuse their power to tarnish reputations and undermine credibility. Yet it must be understood that these very same state authorities deliberately, knowingly, and intentionally engage in routine active fraudulent concealment and the omission of material facts, denying due process, not some of the time, but ALL OF THE TIME!

Unveiling the Truth: A Closer Look at Incomplete Narratives

In my case, I have faced a barrage of challenges stemming from a wrongful and unlawful conviction in the State of Arizona. Despite being released after 6.5 years of incarceration, the ordeal did not end there. Upon my return to Belize, I discovered a web of publications scattered across various websites, each presenting fragments of the case without the full truth. These publications were not only misleading but also intentionally crafted to harm my reputation and credibility.

Standing Against Injustice: The Power of Accountability

The dissemination of incomplete and biased information has profound consequences. It not only erodes trust but also perpetuates misconceptions and prejudices. As someone deeply committed to upholding truth and justice, I refuse to let these falsehoods stand unchallenged.

Shedding Light on the Facts: Holding the Responsible Accountable

Let’s address the facts:

  1. Wrongful Conviction: On February 2, 2017, I was convicted under circumstances marred by injustice. Despite evidence pointing to my innocence, the legal system failed to deliver a fair trial.
  2. Incomplete Publications: Multiple websites have hosted documents related to my case, yet they only present partial information. This selective sharing not only distorts the narrative but also serves to defame my character.
  3. Damage to Reputation: The repercussions of these publications extend far beyond personal grievances. They impede my ability to rebuild my life and pursue justice for the injustices I’ve endured.

Advocating for Truth and Justice: A Call to Action

It’s crucial to hold accountable those responsible for perpetuating these falsehoods. By exposing the truth and demanding accountability, we pave the way for a more just and equitable society.

Utilizing Technology for Justice: Skyview A.I.’s Groundbreaking Contribution

In this pursuit of truth, my company, Skyview A.I. GSE, has developed a groundbreaking artificial intelligence application called Oversight. Oversight aids in uncovering blatant disregard of facts, assisting prosecuting attorneys in charging those ‘cloaked under color of law’ with crimes and human rights violations under universal jurisdiction. This innovative technology is a beacon of hope for those seeking accountability and justice in the face of systemic injustices.

The Below is a Preview of the Listing of Dirty and Corrupt Cops in Oversight:

Seeking Justice: Taking a Stand Against Injustice

Here are some of the websites hosting documents pertaining to my case:

  1. Website 1:
  2. Website 2:
  3. Website 3:
  4. Website 4:
  5. Website 5:
  6. Website 6:

While these publications may attempt to distort reality, I remain steadfast in my pursuit of truth and justice. With irrefutable evidence and unwavering determination, I am confident that justice will prevail. It is clear that the “authorities’ listed in these cases are armed with the power of a government with unlimited resources, and most people with this kind of power commit atrocties under the cloak, guise and color of law.

One must remember that even Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in power in Germany in the 1940s were arresting, detaining, imprisoning, deporting and executing individuals under the “color of law“. It was all deemed Legal. at that time. It is also very disturbing that some of these JEWISH descendants (prosecutors, judges, attorneys) in the courts are committing the very same atrocities against black and brown people with the power of their offices in the United States of America, that they constantly claim occurred to their own grandparents in Nazi Germany in the Holocaust. They know what racism is. They know what white supremacy is. They know exactly what they are doing!

Together We Stand: Uniting Against Falsehoods

In closing, I urge you to remain vigilant against misinformation and to stand with me in the fight against defamation, libel, and slander. Together, we can strive for a world where truth triumphs over falsehoods and justice prevails for all.

Thank you for your unwavering support,

Ewing Samuels