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Dwane Cates: P.O.S. Attorney 2

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In my relentless pursuit of justice, it is imperative to highlight the misconduct and legal violations committed by my former attorney, Dwane Cates. This blog post will detail the specific laws and professional rules he broke during his representation of my case and trial. Understanding these violations is crucial, not just for my case, but for anyone seeking justice and fair representation.

State Bar of Arizona Professional Rules of Conduct Violations

  1. Rule 1.1 – Competence
    • Dwane Cates failed to provide competent representation by not adequately preparing for my defense. His lack of preparation and understanding of the complexities of my case led to inadequate representation, violating Rule 1.1, which requires lawyers to provide competent representation to their clients.
  2. Rule 1.3 – Diligence
    • Rule 1.3 mandates that a lawyer must act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client. Cates neglected important aspects of my case, including failing to investigate key evidence and witnesses that could have exonerated me, thus failing to meet this standard of diligence. He filed no motions in my case on my behalf whatsoever.
  3. Rule 1.4 – Communication
    • Effective communication is critical in legal representation. Cates violated Rule 1.4 by failing to keep me informed about the status of my case and not explaining legal matters in a manner that allowed me to make informed decisions.
  4. Rule 1.7 – Conflict of Interest
    • Rule 1.7 prohibits a lawyer from representing a client if there is a significant risk that the lawyer’s interests or other clients’ interests will materially limit their ability to represent the client. Cates had undisclosed conflicts of interest that compromised his ability to represent me impartially and effectively.

American Bar Association (ABA) Rules Violations

  1. Rule 3.1 – Meritorious Claims and Contentions
    • The ABA Rule 3.1 requires that a lawyer should not bring or defend a proceeding unless there is a basis in law and fact for doing so that is not frivolous. Cates pursued defenses and arguments without a solid factual basis, wasting valuable resources and undermining my defense.
  2. Rule 8.4 – Misconduct
    • This rule prohibits lawyers from engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. Cates’s actions, including misrepresenting facts and failing to disclose crucial information, clearly violate this rule.

Federal Laws and Constitutional Violations

  1. Sixth Amendment – Right to Effective Assistance of Counsel
    • The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to effective assistance of counsel. Cates’s inadequate preparation, lack of communication, and conflicts of interest resulted in ineffective assistance, directly violating my constitutional rights under the Sixth Amendment.

State Rules of Court Violations

  1. Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 15 – Disclosure and Discovery
    • Rule 15 requires timely disclosure of evidence by both the prosecution and defense. Cates failed to utilize discovery rules effectively, neglecting to obtain exculpatory evidence that could have been crucial to my defense.

Attorney Dwane Cates evinces ineptitude, inadequacy, and incompetence, by a complete and total failure, and looked as if he did not even bother to investigate the State’s case and star witness, Jamil Trevon Curd (JTC), who was arrested 10 times before this case, with at least 25 Phoenix Police Department Incident reports of residential burglary, aggravated assaults, dui, domestic violence, criminal damage, disorderly conduct, 5 arrest warrants, and a pending investigation into the death of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015

5 arrest warrants, and a pending investigation into the death of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015 was concealed by Deputy County Attorney Lori Eidemanis of the Maricopa County Attorney Office (MCAO). Dwane Cates failed in his duties completely.”

Ewing redmond Samuels III

The State of Arizona’s case against me was largely constructed on Detective Marchele Miller‘s report, which was rife with omissions and deliberate falsehoods. Despite possessing facts that could have demonstrated my innocence, Miller chose to suppress this crucial information, thereby distorting the narrative and fabricating evidence to fit a predetermined conclusion of guilt. Her actions not only tainted the integrity of the investigation but also played a significant role in the wrongful conviction that followed, highlighting a grave miscarriage of justice. Marchele Miller was arrested on February 23, 2012 by the Chandler Police Department.

Attorney Dwane Cates did not obtain this information to challenge the veracity and truthfulness of her statements at trial and the report she authored, filled with deliberate falsehoods that was easy to refute with facts and evidence. He allowed the word of a corrupt Detective to violate an individual with high government security clearance as a Cyber Security Expert and Analyst.

“Detective Marchele Miller was arrested on February 23, 2012 by the Chandler Police Department.”

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

Federal Statutes and Case Law

  1. Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984)
    • This landmark case sets the standard for determining ineffective assistance of counsel. According to Strickland, a defendant must show that counsel’s performance was deficient and that the deficient performance prejudiced the defense. Cates’s actions meet both prongs of this test, as his incompetence and neglect clearly impacted the outcome of my case.
  2. Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963)
    • Under Brady, the prosecution is required to disclose evidence favorable to the defendant. While this is a prosecutorial duty, Cates failed to demand such disclosures aggressively, a failure that compromised my defense.


Attorney Dwane Cates’s conduct during my case and trial was a clear breach of numerous professional and legal standards. His violations of the State Bar of Arizona Professional Rules of Conduct, American Bar Association Rules, Federal Laws, State Rules of Court, and critical case laws such as Strickland and Brady, resulted in the gross miscarriage of justice I experienced. It is my hope that by exposing these violations, I can not only seek redress for myself but also warn others of the potential pitfalls in their pursuit of justice.

Call to Action

I urge those who have faced similar injustices to come forward and share their stories. Together, we can push for accountability and reform within the legal system. For more detailed information and updates on my case, please visit my website regularly.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

Navigating the Herd Mentality: The NEED For Critical Thinking & Logical Reasoning

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Today I want to delve into a topic that’s been weighing heavily on my mind: the decline of critical thinking in today’s society. In an age where information bombards us from every angle, it’s more crucial than ever to sharpen our ability to think critically and reason logically. Yet, it seems that herd mentality often prevails, leading many astray like sheep to the slaughter.

Understanding Herd Mentality

What exactly do I mean by herd mentality? It’s the phenomenon where individuals tend to conform to the behaviors, beliefs, and opinions of the majority, often without questioning or analyzing them. It’s also known as the bandwagon effect. This conformity can be comforting, as it provides a sense of belonging and security. However, it can also be dangerous, as it blinds us to alternative perspectives and leaves us vulnerable to manipulation and misinformation.

The Challenge of Information Overload

In today’s hyper-connected world, we’re inundated with information from social media, news outlets, and other sources. While this abundance of information can be empowering, it also presents a challenge: how do we separate fact from fiction, truth from propaganda?

The Role of Critical Thinking

The answer lies in cultivating our critical thinking skills. Critical thinking involves actively and skillfully evaluating information, arguments, and evidence to make informed decisions. It’s about questioning assumptions, challenging beliefs, and approaching issues with an open mind.

Obstacles to Critical Thinking

Unfortunately, critical thinking seems to be in short supply these days. Instead, we’re bombarded with sensationalist headlines, echo chambers that reinforce our existing beliefs, and soundbites designed to manipulate rather than inform.

Implications in Real-Life Situations

Take, for example, my own case. In my experience, I’ve seen firsthand how the absence of critical thinking and logical reasoning can lead to serious consequences. When individuals blindly follow the herd, without questioning the validity of the information presented to them, it can result in grave injustices. Not only does this impact the individual directly involved, but it also implicates the entire system that failed to uphold principles of fairness and justice. Below is evindence of FRAUD, KIDNAPPING, and CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY committed by the State of Arizona and its legal authorities. Under universal jurisdiction and both federal and international laws, the crimes committed are subject to 20 years to life in prison. The State of Arizona cannot be taken serious when it covered up the death of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015 and the very same murder suspect Jamil Trevon Curd was given immunity to testify against me. While Detective Marchele Miller the case manager went to grave lengths to push a narrative that was based on deception. And increasing the errors a thousandfold was the deliberate violations of ommitting material facts, concealing impeachment and exculpatory evidence,perjury, subornation, and too much to list…conducted by William Montgomery, David Foster and Lori Eidemenis of the Maricopa County Attorney Office in a ‘court of law’. Then the Court itself, of George H. Foster, Jr. and the Superior Court of Maricopa County is allowed to continue intentional violations to cover up State authorities crimes, with ORDERS from the court with no real adequate investigation into the facts thereof, but to attain, maintain, and sustain convictions on technicalities rather than merits.

Strategies for Improvement

So, what can we do to combat this trend? First and foremost, we must become more mindful consumers of information. This means taking the time to verify sources, cross-check information, and seek out diverse perspectives. It also means being willing to admit when we’re wrong and adjust our beliefs accordingly.

The Importance of Education

Furthermore, we need to teach critical thinking skills from an early age. Education systems should prioritize teaching students how to think, not what to think. By instilling a foundation of logic, reasoning, and skepticism, we can empower the next generation to navigate the complexities of the modern world with clarity and confidence.

The Power of Independent Thought

But perhaps most importantly, we must be willing to think for ourselves. It’s easy to succumb to the pressure of the crowd, to follow the path of least resistance. But true wisdom lies in forging our own path, even if it means standing alone against the tide.


In conclusion, the rise of herd mentality in today’s society is a cause for concern. But it’s not too late to turn the tide. By prioritizing critical thinking and logical reasoning, we can reclaim our autonomy, challenge the status quo, and build a brighter future for generations to come.

Until next time,

I am,

Ewing Samuels

The Hidden Truth: When Love Conceals a Sordid Past

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Unveiling Deception: A Betrayal of Trust

In matters of the heart, we often find ourselves entranced by the allure of love, drawn to another soul in a way that feels almost inevitable. We open our hearts, share our vulnerabilities, and believe in the promise of a future intertwined with our beloved. However, what happens when that future is built upon a foundation of secrets and unspoken truths?

The Shattering Revelation: A Personal Journey

In my own experience, I found myself entangled in a relationship where the surface appeared pristine, but beneath lay a web of deception. My romantic partner, whom I trusted implicitly, failed to disclose a past marred by a criminal history and an arrest record. It was a revelation that shattered the illusions I had constructed, leaving me reeling with disbelief and a profound sense of betrayal. Theft, criminal damage, domestic violence, alcoholism, interference with judicial proceedings, aggravated assault was all overwhelming as I learned of this information 2 years after my incarceration, while in prison. Nowhere in our 4 year relationship did this Jezebel mentioned any of this, yet she was 10 years older than I. Maybe I was naive?

Prior to meeting these two individuals, I have never had any criminal history nor arrest record.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” – MayaAngelou


Hidden Histories: The Impact Beyond Ourselves

But perhaps even more distressing was the discovery that my partner’s 24 year old son, Jamil Trevon Curd, shared a similar, if not more troubling, history. His own journey was fraught with challenges and poor choices, yet this crucial information remained concealed, casting a shadow of doubt over the authenticity of our relationship. It is even more disturbing that his own mother wanted to press charges on him for criminal conduct in her home.


The Ripple Effect: Community Perception and Self-Reflection

The ramifications of such revelations are far-reaching and deeply impactful. Trust, once broken, is not easily repaired. It erodes the very foundation upon which love is built, leaving behind a sense of insecurity and doubt that lingers long after the truth has been revealed. Moreover, the repercussions extend beyond the confines of our personal lives, affecting those around us in ways we may not fully comprehend. In my case, the implications of my partner’s hidden past reverberated through my community, tarnishing reputations and eliciting judgment from those who had once held us in high esteem.

Embracing Truth: A Journey of Resilience

But amidst the turmoil and heartache, there lies an opportunity for growth and introspection. It is a chance to reassess our priorities, redefine our boundaries, and reclaim our sense of agency in navigating the complexities of love and relationships. For me, this journey has been one of self-discovery and resilience. I refuse to be defined by the actions of others or constrained by the limitations of my past. Instead, I choose to embrace the truth, however painful it may be, and forge ahead with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

Moving Forward: Honoring Authenticity

To those who find themselves grappling with similar circumstances, I offer this advice: Trust your instincts, honor your worth, and never compromise your integrity for the sake of love. True happiness lies in authenticity, transparency, and the unwavering commitment to living a life guided by truth and integrity.

Conclusion: Embracing Love’s Light

In closing, let us remember that love, though fragile, possesses the power to heal and transform even the most broken of hearts. But it is only when we confront the shadows of our past that we can truly embrace the light of a brighter tomorrow.

Unveiling the Truth: The Deception of Arizona’s Legal System

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Introduction: A Tale of Manipulation and Concealment

Today I must share a tale that unveils the unsettling truth behind the cloak of justice in Arizona. It’s a narrative of manipulation, concealment, and a blatant disregard for truth and fairness.

The State’s Star Witness: Jamil Trevon Curd

In the heart of this story lies Jamil Trevon Curd, the State’s star witness, a figure who, unbeknownst to many, carried a shadowy past tainted with multiple arrests and warrants. However, it wasn’t his past alone that should have raised eyebrows; it was the concerted effort by the State of Arizona, Detective Marchele Miller, the City of Phoenix Police Department, and Deputy County Attorney Lori A. Eidemanis and the Maricopa County Attorney Office to shroud this crucial information. Below is only a partial of Jamil Trevon Curd’s criminal history and arrest record in the State of Arizona. The record is the proof. The State of Arizona cannot be trusted!!!

The Concealment of Crucial Information

Imagine standing trial, facing allegations, while the prosecution’s key witness hides a laundry list of criminal activities. Despite the Manslaughter Statute in Arizona (A.R.S. 13-1103) covering the incident detailed in the police report below, the State proceeded with the trial, knowingly concealing impeachment and exculpatory evidence from the defense—me, with an immaculate record, void of any criminal history or arrest record, whatsoever.

The Revelation in Court

Jamil Curd’s rap sheet was far from inconspicuous—five arrest warrants painted a vivid picture of his questionable character. Yet, Detective Marchele Miller, in a blatant breach of duty, ensured this crucial information remained buried. It wasn’t until January 25, 2017, during a pivotal moment in trial court, that the deception was laid bare for all to see.

The Complicity of the Judiciary

But even when caught red-handed, justice remained elusive. Judge George H. Foster, Jr. allegedly conspired with the State, turning a blind eye to the truth. When Sheriff’s deputies arrived at his chambers to arrest Curd, it was a testament to the system’s flaws—a system designed to protect the innocent, yet seemingly manipulated to safeguard those in power. Both the Transcript and the Video recording of January 25, 2017 is damning evidence against Judge George H. Foster, Jr. himself, as it indicates and implicates that he knowingly violated State, Federal and International laws – all of my legal, constitutional and federal rights, to assist the State in wrongful and unlawful conviction.

Revealing the Cover-Up

Amidst the layers of deception, another chilling revelation emergesJamil Trevon Curd was under a pending investigation for the death of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015. Shockingly, the State completely concealed this crucial detail while doing its best to impugn my character with a flawless criminal history. I am fully aware that this is a matter for the federal and international authorities. The below report is irrefutable evidence that casts a major shadow of doubt regarding the actions of Deputy County Attorney Lori Eidemanis and the Maricopa County Attorney Office for even having the audacity to carry on with a trial while having such damning evidence regarding the state’s witness himself.

The Legal Ramifications

When a prosecuting attorney like Lori A. Eidemanis conceals evidence, such as the criminal history and arrest record of Jamil Trevon Curd, from the defendant—me—by nondisclosure, it strikes at the heart of the case, particularly credibility. Precedent case rulings from the Supreme Court of the United States have unequivocally established that such actions constitute a clear violation of Due Process under the Fourteenth Amendment. Countless examples exist of cases reversed due to such violations, and the County Attorney’s office is liable for such egregious breaches. Brady v. Maryland, Giglio v. United States, United States v. Bagley, and Kyles v. Whitley, all fall under the Brady rule.

Conclusion: A Call for Reform

This isn’t just a story of one man’s struggle for exoneration; it’s a damning indictment of a system rife with corruption and deceit. The very institutions entrusted with upholding justice—law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and the judiciary—failed in their duty to ensure fairness and transparency. Because the State authorities cannot be trusted, I am taking this case to the public court of opinion. I am a firm believer that “no one is above the law“, and police officers, prosecuting attorneys and judges that claim “immunity” from serious wrongdoing are a clear and present danger to the republic for which it stands. This will inevitably lead to vigilante justice, as history has already proven this.

As I continue my fight for justice, I’m compelled to shine a light on these dark corners of the legal system. It’s a battle not just for my own exoneration but for the countless others who’ve fallen victim to the same systemic failures.

In the pursuit of truth, we must hold accountable those who abuse their authority and betray the very principles they swore to uphold. Let this be a rallying cry for reform, for a justice system that truly serves all, regardless of power or privilege.

With determination and resolve,

Ewing Samuels

Reflections on March 21, 2016: A Journey to Justice

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A Journey Through Adversity: Reflecting on the Anniversary of a Life-Altering Incident

Introduction: A Day etched in Memory

Today marks a significant anniversary for me, one that forever altered the course of me and my child’s life and brought into sharp focus the realities of the American justice system. It was on this day, March 21, 2016, in Phoenix, Arizona, that I found myself thrust into a harrowing ordeal that tested my resilience and challenged my faith in the very institutions meant to uphold justice.

Chapter 1: Unexpected Turns: From San Francisco to Phoenix

After relocating back to Phoenix from San Francisco just five days prior, I was confronted with a sudden and inexplicable breakup with my girlfriend, whom was 10 years older than I. What followed was a sequence of events that defied reason and shook me to my core.

Chapter 2: Confrontation and Chaos: A Violent Morning

In the confines of my legally leased private residence, I faced a terrifying confrontation with my ex-girlfriend’s son—a 25-year-old with a troubled past, ensnared in the grip of crack-cocaine, methamphetimine and alcohol addiction and gang affiliations. In the early hours of that fateful morning, he unleashed a violent assault that threatened the safety of my child and myself. Desperate to protect us, I was compelled to take drastic action, resulting in a tragic outcome.

Chapter 3: Betrayal and Injustice: Twists in the Narrative

In the aftermath, I turned to law enforcement, expecting justice to prevail. Instead, my trust was shattered as the narrative was twisted by corrupt forces within the system. A tainted investigation led to my arrest, marking the beginning of a grueling legal battle that would span years.

Chapter 4: Uncovering Truth: The Journey to Justice

Through unwavering determination and a steadfast commitment to truth, I navigated the labyrinth of the legal system, only to uncover a web of deceit and prejudice. Documents meant to incriminate me ultimately served as evidence of a larger conspiracy—one rooted in bigotry, racism, discrimination, xenophobia, and the flagrant abuse of state power.

Conclusion: Resilience and Renewal

This ordeal, spanning over seven years of confinement and legal strife, has been a crucible of transformation. It has tested my faith, challenged my beliefs, and forced me to confront the harsh realities of institutional bias. Yet, amidst the turmoil, I have emerged stronger, armed with a newfound resolve to seek justice and expose systemic injustices wherever they may lurk.

Epilogue: The Journey Continues

As I reflect on this solemn anniversary, I am reminded of the enduring importance of accountability, integrity, and the pursuit of truth. My journey serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, and a stark reminder of the work that remains to be done in the fight for equity and justice.

In solidarity,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III