
Throughout history, the world has witnessed the audaciousness of white men, particularly in the United States, in their pursuit of power, control, and dominance. This audacity is often rooted in tribalism, murder, rape, thievery, deception, mind games, and sheer brute force. When challenged, these men have historically resorted to extreme measures to maintain their positions, even if it meant violating the very laws they claim to uphold. As a person who has experienced firsthand the lawlessness of lawmakers in the United States, I find it necessary to address this issue with specificity, facts, evidence, and historical data.

The Historical Context: A Legacy of Brutality and Deception

The history of white men’s dominance is stained with bloodshed and injustice. From the genocide of Native Americans to the brutal enslavement of Africans, the United States was built on the backs of oppressed peoples. The founding of the country itself involved the theft of land and resources from indigenous populations, who were subjected to massacres and forced removals, most notably during the Trail of Tears. These actions were justified through a belief in Manifest Destiny, a concept rooted in the idea that white men had a divine right to expand across the continent, regardless of the cost to others.

The institution of slavery is another glaring example of the audacity of white men. Enslaved Africans were subjected to unimaginable horrors, including rape, torture, and murder, all under the guise of economic necessity. The legal system was complicit in these atrocities, with laws that protected slave owners’ rights while denying the humanity of the enslaved. The Dred Scott decision of 1857, which declared that African Americans had no rights which white men were bound to respect, is a stark reminder of how deeply ingrained racism was—and still is—in the legal framework of the United States. This is also a stark reminder that the judiciary in the United States cannot be trusted with human rights and international law of the global consensus, then and now.

The Lawless Lawmakers: A Personal Encounter

My own experiences have shown me that the audacity of white men extends beyond history into the present-day legal system. Lawmakers who are supposed to uphold justice often act in ways that are anything but lawful. My wrongful and unlawful conviction in Arizona is a case in point. The same legal system that prides itself on fairness and due process allowed key witnesses with concealed criminal histories to testify against me, while the prosecution, led by individuals like Deputy County Attorney David R. Foster, and Deputy County Attorney Lori Eidemanis engaged in conspiracy, subornation, and the presentation of one-sided evidence predicated on deliberate falsehoods.

David Foster

Even when irrefutable facts and evidence exposing their wrongdoing are presented, these individuals become even more boldfaced in their arrogance.” – Ewing Redmond Samuels III

Lori Eidemanis

Even when irrefutable facts and evidence exposing their wrongdoing are presented, these individuals become even more boldfaced in their arrogance. Their reaction is not one of accountability or remorse but of defiance, as if the law is an obstacle to be sidestepped rather than a principle to be upheld. This baffling arrogance underscores a disturbing truth: they have no intention of abiding by the law but rather continue their ongoing abuses with impunity.

These actions were not only a violation of the United States Constitution but also a breach of international human rights laws. The U.S. legal system, which claims to be a beacon of democracy and justice, has shown itself to be anything but when it comes to the treatment of people like me. The fact that the state actors involved in my case have faced no consequences for their actions is a testament to the audacity of white men in positions of power.

Tribalism and Mind Games: The Tools of Oppression

One of the most insidious aspects of white male dominance is the use of tribalism and mind games to maintain control. Tribalism, in this context, refers to the exclusionary practices that favor members of the dominant group while marginalizing others. This can be seen in the way the legal system selectively enforces laws, often to the detriment of people of color. For example, African Americans and other minorities are disproportionately targeted by law enforcement, subjected to harsher sentences, and more likely to be wrongfully convicted. This is not a coincidence; it is a deliberate strategy to keep certain groups in a position of subordination.

Mind games, on the other hand, involve the manipulation of information and narratives to justify oppressive actions. The media, for instance, plays a significant role in shaping public perception, often portraying white men as the heroes of history while demonizing people of color. This manipulation extends to the legal system, where laws are interpreted and applied in ways that benefit the dominant group. The recent attacks on voting rights in the United States are a prime example of this, as they are designed to disenfranchise minority populations while preserving the political power of white men.

The International Perspective: A Global Issue

The audacity of white men is not confined to the United States; it is a global issue. International law, which is supposed to protect human rights and promote justice, is often ignored or selectively applied by powerful nations, particularly those led by white men. The United States, for instance, has a long history of violating international law with impunity, from its involvement in wars of aggression to its treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

Despite being a signatory to various international treaties, the United States has repeatedly shown that it does not consider itself bound by the same rules it expects other nations to follow. This double standard is a reflection of the audacity of white men who believe that their power exempts them from accountability. My own case, where my rights were violated not only under U.S. law but also under international human rights law, is a microcosm of this broader issue.

Conclusion: Challenging the Audacity

The audacity of white men, particularly in the United States, is a deeply entrenched problem that has far-reaching consequences. It is a problem that is rooted in a history of violence, deception, and exclusion, and it continues to manifest in the actions of lawmakers and other powerful figures who believe they are above the law. My experiences have shown me that the legal system, which is supposed to be a tool of justice, is often weaponized against those who dare to challenge the status quo.

Even when faced with undeniable evidence of their wrongdoings, these individuals often double down on their abuses, displaying a level of arrogance that is as baffling as it is dangerous. Their refusal to abide by the law, even when confronted with their own violations, only further entrenches the injustices they perpetuate.

As I continue to fight for justice and accountability, I am reminded of the importance of exposing the truth and holding those in power accountable. The audacity of white men can no longer go unchallenged. It is time for a reckoning, both in the United States and on the international stage. The world must recognize that no group, no matter how powerful, is above the law.


  1. “The Trail of Tears.” National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
  2. Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857).
  3. “Prosecutorial Misconduct in Arizona.” Arizona Justice Project.
  4. “Voting Rights and Disenfranchisement.” Brennan Center for Justice.
  5. “Guantanamo Bay: Violations of International Law.” Human Rights Watch.

In conclusion, the struggle against the audacity of white men is far from over. It is a fight that requires vigilance, courage, and a commitment to truth and justice. As I continue my journey, I will use my platform to speak out against these injustices and to demand accountability from those who have abused their power for far too long.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III
