Jamil Trevon Curd


In the convoluted and troubling case of State of Arizona vs. Ewing Redmond Samuels, one of the most striking examples of legal misconduct revolves around Jamil Trevon Curd, the so-called “victim” and “witness” who was at the heart of the State’s case against me. This case highlights not only the abuse of power but also the disturbing patterns of corruption and racial bias within the Arizona legal system.

The “Victim” Who Wasn’t: Jamil Trevon Curd’s Criminal History

Jamil Trevon Curd, whose testimony was pivotal in my wrongful conviction, was a known criminal even before he turned 18. The Phoenix Police Department had a well-documented history of his criminal activities, including a long list of arrests (30 police reports and 10 arrests at the time of my case). However, this crucial information was deliberately withheld during the trial. The prosecution, led by Deputy County Attorney Lori Eidemanis, chose to conceal Curd’s extensive criminal background from the court. This omission was not a mere oversight but a calculated strategy to present Curd as a credible witness, despite his proven criminal history. At trial, she is on record stating “we don’t disclose“. (ROA) Ironically, this is contradictory to clearly established law as determined by the Supreme Court of the United States and its Constitution.

Deputy County Attorney Lori Eidemanis

Furthermore, the death of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015, was another fact omitted by Eidemanis. Walker’s death, which occurred during an active investigation into Jamil Trevon Curd for his involvement and cause, at the time of my case, could have had a significant impact on my case’s integrity. Yet, it was kept from the defense, further tainting the trial’s fairness. These are crimes under Federal and International law that warrants the arrest of Detective Marchele Miller, Deputy County Attorney David Foster and Deputy County Attorney Lori Eidemanis, amongst many others. The record is the proof.

The Role of Detective Marchele Miller and Deputy County Attorney David Foster

Detective Marchele Miller, Badge # 9423

Detective Marchele Miller of the Phoenix Police Department played a crucial role in fabricating evidence and testimony against me, evidenced in the report she authored. Miller’s own criminal history and arrest record from February 23, 2012, by the City of Chandler Police Department were also concealed.(Below) This concealment of Miller’s background was a clear attempt to shield her from scrutiny, further compromising the trial’s fairness.

Deputy County Attorney David Foster, who was responsible for the Grand Jury proceedings, was equally complicit. Foster engaged in a conspiracy against my rights by presenting one-sided evidence, which included deliberate and outright falsehoods. The Grand Jury process was manipulated to ensure an indictment, using subornation and perjury to secure a wrongful indictment.

A Web of Corruption and Conspiracy

The conspiracy extended beyond the courtroom. Arizona Department of Child Safety, in collusion with the Arizona Attorney General Assistant Elizabeth Overholdt, engaged in a gross miscarriage of justice. Overholdt committed perjury in court, fabricating accusations of crimes supposedly committed by me in Arizona in 2009 and 2010. This was an impossibility, as I was not even in Arizona until February 2012 since February 2000. This false testimony was designed to prejudice the court against me, further illustrating the systemic abuse of power. Any other person would have paid 5 years for the “penalty of perjury”.

“These criminals cloaked in authority have no trace and no photos that can be easily retrieved from the very public government agencies that they work for, as required by law.” – ICC Prosecutor

Racial Bias and Selective Enforcement

Underlying this entire case is a troubling pattern of racial bias and selective enforcement. The selective nature of these legal maneuvers, rooted in systemic racism, was evident throughout my case. The decision to pursue these charges and the methods used to secure my conviction reflected a broader pattern of discrimination based on race, color, and national origin.

The Current Status of Jamil Trevon Curd

As of now, Jamil Trevon Curd remains incarcerated. His current imprisonment is a testament to the fact that even those who are manipulated and used by the legal system are not exempt from the consequences of their actions. The Arizona Department of Corrections records further illustrate Curd’s criminal activities and his ongoing incarceration.


The case against me, State of Arizona vs. Ewing Redmond Samuels, serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive corruption and racial bias within the justice system. The deliberate concealment of critical evidence, manipulation of witnesses, and outright criminal conduct by state actors created a toxic environment that led to my wrongful conviction. The need for accountability and justice in such cases is paramount. It is crucial that these abuses be exposed and rectified to prevent such travesties of justice in the future. And as a note, I have never been involved in any criminal activities nor have ever been arrested prior to this one and only situation that created long lasting effects on me and my child’s lives and our well-being. But we are resilient! And cowards do not define us!!!

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III
