The Gallego Family


The Gallego family, once a symbol of resilience and hard work in Belize, now faces a painful reality: the estate of Rudy and Marie Gallego is in disarray. After decades of building a legacy that spanned four properties, including a family home and a workshop that housed the Gallego business for over 60 years, the estate is now burdened with debt, tangled in family disputes, and suffering from gross negligence and incompetence.

The Family Legacy and Its Current State

Rudy and Marie Gallego were pillars of the community, raising 11 children, each of whom was expected to carry forward the family legacy. Tragically, my mother, Consuelo Gallego-Scott, passed away on February 22, 2000, and Arturo Gallego, the second oldest son, followed in late 2021. This leaves nine of the Gallego siblings to manage the estate, yet the reality has been far from harmonious.

The estate, which includes significant properties and the remnants of the family business, is now in tatters. This is not due to external economic pressures or unavoidable circumstances, but rather the result of internal family squabbles, deliberate gross negligence, and outright incompetence.

Clandestine Activities and Abuse of Trust

One of the most troubling aspects of this situation is the clandestine activities of Yolanda Gallego-Rector, one of the Gallego daughters. Without the consensus of her siblings, Yolanda facilitated an agreement for a cousin, Sylvia Staine, to reside in Marie Gallego’s home. What initially seemed like a temporary arrangement has devolved into a situation where Sylvia has become a squatter, refusing to vacate the property, after 15 years of living there without paying any rent whatsoever. This is a clear violation of property rights and has created a legal quagmire that now requires formal eviction proceedings.

Adding to the strain, Yolanda has also created bills with the estate attorney and now seeks to avoid responsibility for these expenses, placing further financial burden on the estate.

A Culture of Entitlement and Irresponsibility

Another pressing issue is the sense of entitlement exhibited by Ramon Gallego, one of the surviving siblings. Ramon appears to be solely focused on liquidating the estate to claim his ‘inheritance,’ despite having made no financial contributions or investments into the family homes or the business that Rudy Gallego painstakingly built. His reluctance to contribute or take responsibility, coupled with threats of violence against his sisters, has only deepened the family rift and jeopardized the estate’s future.

The Path Forward: Restoring Order and Accountability

In light of these challenges, it has become evident that a change in leadership is necessary to restore order and accountability to the Gallego estate. After careful consideration and with the support of the remaining siblings, a decision has been made to sign off on a Power of Attorney that will grant me, Ewing Samuels, the authority to manage the estate and its business affairs in Belize. This decision is rooted in the legal requirement that the executor must reside in the country, and I am prepared to fulfill this role with the integrity and diligence that the estate desperately needs.

Legal Considerations and Responsibilities

The management of the Gallego estate is governed by specific laws concerning inheritance and estate management in Belize. The Estate Administration Act and the Belize Supreme Court Rules outline the responsibilities of the executor, including the duty to manage the estate prudently, pay off any debts, and distribute the remaining assets according to the wishes of the deceased.

Given the current state of the estate, it is essential to address the debts and legal issues promptly. This includes the eviction of unauthorized occupants, settling outstanding bills, and ensuring that all financial obligations are met before any distribution of assets can occur. The executor is also tasked with maintaining transparency with all beneficiaries, ensuring that every action taken is in the best interest of the estate.

Moving Forward with Integrity

The Gallego family estate stands at a crossroads. It is imperative that we move forward with a clear plan, grounded in legal principles and driven by a commitment to preserving the legacy of Rudy and Marie Gallego. As I take on the responsibility of managing the estate, my focus will be on resolving the existing conflicts, stabilizing the financial situation, and ultimately restoring the family’s honor.

Rudy & Marie Gallego

In the end, this is not just about managing an estateit is about ensuring that the hard work and sacrifices of Rudy and Marie Gallego are honored and that the future generations of the Gallego family have something to be proud of. The time for action is now, and I am ready to lead with the determination and fairness that this situation demands.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III
