
In the pursuit of justice, there are those who uphold the law and those who subvert it for their own gain. My case is a stark example of the latter. On March 30, 2016, during the Grand Jury Proceedings that led to my wrongful and unlawful conviction, Deputy County Attorney David R. Foster of the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office (MCAO) engaged in a conspiracy against rights and deprivation of rights under color of law (Both violations of Federal Laws). This blog post will detail the specific actions taken by Foster, his conspiracy with Detective Marchele Miller, the evidence supporting these claims, and the broader context of systemic corruption within the MCAO.

The Grand Jury Proceedings: A Mockery of Justice

At the heart of the injustice in my case was the manipulation and distortion of evidence presented to the Grand Jury. Deputy County Attorney David R. Foster, who was tasked with presenting evidence, instead engaged in subornation by knowingly presenting one-sided, false, and misleading information. This manipulation was not accidental—it was a calculated effort to secure an indictment by any means necessary.

Conspiracy with Detective Marchele Miller
A key element of this conspiracy was Foster’s collaboration with Detective Marchele Miller. Miller provided testimony about an incident that supposedly occurred at my home on March 21, 2016. However, neither Foster nor Miller was present at the time of the alleged incident. The reliance on hearsay and false testimony, under the guise of authority, was used to circumvent my constitutional rights. This abuse of process was nothing less than a deliberate act to secure a wrongful conviction.

Marchele Miller

Criminal History and Arrest Record of Detective Marchele Miller since February 23, 2012:

Subornation and Deliberate Falsehoods
Foster’s actions during the proceedings were not just unethical; they were illegal. Subornation involves persuading someone to commit perjury, and in this case, it extended to the presentation of evidence that was deliberately distorted or outright fabricated. Foster knowingly withheld exculpatory evidence that would have demonstrated my innocence, instead choosing to present only what would support the prosecution’s narrative.

Violation of Rights Under Color of Law
The deprivation of rights under color of law (18 U.S.C. § 242) occurs when someone uses their position of authority to violate an individual’s rights. Foster, in his capacity as Deputy County Attorney, was entrusted with the power to ensure that justice was served fairly. Instead, he abused this power, manipulating the legal process to obtain and secure an indictment based on falsehoods.

“The deprivation of rights under color of law (18 U.S.C. § 242) occurs when someone uses their position of authority to violate an individual’s rights.” – Department of Justice

Evidence of Systemic Corruption

The actions of David R. Foster are not isolated incidents. The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office has a documented history of corruption, misconduct, and violations of civil rights. This culture of corruption has persisted for decades, shielded by an institutional cover-up that has allowed such behavior to continue unchecked.

MCAO’s History of Misconduct
The MCAO has long been criticized for its handling of cases, particularly those involving minorities and individuals from marginalized communities. Racial bias, selective prosecution, and the suppression of evidence are not rare occurrences but rather part of a routine, habitual practice within the office. These practices are rooted in white supremacy and are used to maintain a system of oppression against people of color and those of different national origins.

The Case of April Sponsel
A glaring example of the MCAO’s operational behavior can be seen in the case of April Sponsel, another prosecutor from the same office who was found guilty of charging citizens with falsehoods to obtain indictments. Sponsel’s actions were eerily similar to those of Foster, revealing a pattern of misconduct within the office. Sponsel was ultimately exposed, but her case is just one of many that highlight the deep-seated corruption within the MCAO.

The Fight for Justice Continues

The corruption and misconduct within the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office are not just my battles—they are issues that affect countless individuals who have been wrongfully convicted or otherwise had their rights violated. The MCAO’s long-standing pattern of covering up its nefarious activities has only recently been brought to light, but the fight for accountability is far from over.

David R. Foster Must Be Held Accountable
David R. Foster’s actions are not merely prosecutorial misconduct; they are human rights abuses and violations of fundamental freedoms. He conspired to present false testimony, relied on hearsay, and abused his position to subvert the justice system. For these reasons, Foster needs to be arrested and held accountable for his actions. As technology advances, artificial intelligence will uncover the violations in Foster’s record, and the State of Arizona will ultimately be held responsible for these transgressions.

“Foster needs to be arrested and held accountable for his actions. Artificial technology advances like Skyview, uncovers hundreds of cases Prosecutors knowingly engaging in serious wrongdoing, tantamount to criminal offences.” – Ewing Redmond Samuels III

My case is a testament to the lengths to which individuals like David R. Foster and institutions like the MCAO will go to subvert justice for their own ends. However, it is also a rallying cry for those of us who refuse to be silenced or defeated by their corruption. The truth will come to light, and those responsible will be held accountable.

Citations and Evidence
For further reading and evidence, here are a few sources that provide context and proof of the claims made in this blog:

In conclusion, it is crucial that we continue to expose these injustices and fight for the rights of those who have been wronged. Justice may be delayed, but it will not be denied.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III

This blog is part of my ongoing effort to shine a light on the corruption and systemic abuses within the legal system. For more information on my case and the work I am doing, please visit my website:
