
The Sarstoon River, a natural boundary between Belize and Guatemala, has been at the heart of a long-standing territorial dispute that dates back to colonial times. This ongoing conflict has significant implications for both nations, affecting their political, social, and economic landscapes. As a Belizean deeply invested in the sovereignty and peace of my country, I aim to shed light on the history, specifics, and current state of the Sarstoon border situation. By understanding the facts and those responsible for perpetuating this conflict, we can better advocate for a peaceful resolution that respects the sovereignty of both Belize and Guatemala.

Historical Background

The roots of the Sarstoon border dispute lie in the colonial era when the British and Spanish empires vied for control over Central America. The 1859 Anglo-Guatemalan Treaty aimed to establish clear boundaries between British Honduras (now Belize) and Guatemala. According to this treaty, the Sarstoon River was designated as the southern border of British Honduras.

However, the treaty included a clause obligating the British to build a road from Guatemala to the Caribbean coast, which was never fulfilled. This unfulfilled promise has been a point of contention for Guatemala, leading them to dispute the legitimacy of the treaty and, by extension, the borders it defined.

Specifics of the Conflict

The Sarstoon River dispute has seen various escalations over the years. In recent times, Guatemalan military forces have increased their presence in the area, often leading to confrontations with Belizean civilians and military personnel. This heightened tension has created a volatile environment, with both nations accusing each other of violating territorial integrity.

Belize maintains that the Sarstoon River, as stipulated in the 1859 treaty, is the rightful boundary. Guatemala, on the other hand, claims the river as their own, citing historical grievances and the unfulfilled treaty obligations.

Facts and Evidence

  1. Treaty of 1859: The Anglo-Guatemalan Treaty explicitly designates the Sarstoon River as the boundary. Despite Guatemala’s claims, the treaty has been internationally recognized and forms the basis of Belize’s territorial rights.
  2. ICJ Proceedings: In 2019, both Belize and Guatemala agreed to take the dispute to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). This move signifies a commitment to resolving the conflict through legal means. The ICJ’s forthcoming decision will be crucial in determining the legitimacy of each nation’s claims.
  3. Military Presence: Reports and documented incidents of Guatemalan military incursions into the Sarstoon area have been a significant concern for Belize. These actions have been met with diplomatic protests and calls for international mediation.
  4. Community Impact: The local communities living near the Sarstoon River, including indigenous and Garifuna populations, have faced disruptions to their daily lives and livelihoods due to the ongoing conflict. These communities often find themselves caught in the crossfire of nationalistic fervor and military posturing.

Those Responsible

The responsibility for the Sarstoon border conflict is multifaceted. Historical colonial powers, particularly the British and Spanish, set the stage for the dispute through their territorial ambitions. In modern times, both Belizean and Guatemalan governments bear responsibility for maintaining and escalating the conflict. Political leaders in both nations have, at times, used the dispute to rally nationalistic sentiments and distract from domestic issues.

Additionally, the international community, including organizations like the United Nations, has a role in mediating and facilitating a peaceful resolution. The ICJ’s involvement is a step in this direction, but continuous international pressure and support are essential.

ICJ Decision Date on the Belize-Guatemala Territorial Dispute

As of now, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has not announced a specific decision date for the Belize-Guatemala territorial dispute. The court is currently in the deliberation phase after reviewing the memorials, counter-memorials, and oral arguments presented by both nations. While the ICJ’s decision process is thorough and can take several months to a few years, a ruling is anticipated sometime between late 2024 and early 2025.

Both Belize and Guatemala, along with the international community, await the ICJ’s final and binding decision, which will play a crucial role in resolving the long-standing dispute and defining the future of the Sarstoon River boundary.

International Court of Justice (ICJ)


The Sarstoon border situation is a complex issue deeply rooted in history and exacerbated by contemporary political dynamics. As Belizeans, it is crucial to advocate for a resolution that respects our sovereignty while acknowledging Guatemala’s grievances. The path to peace lies in diplomacy, adherence to international law, and mutual respect.

Both Belize and Guatemala deserve to thrive as sovereign nations, free from the shadow of colonial legacies. By fostering dialogue and cooperation, we can transform the Sarstoon River from a symbol of conflict into a testament to our shared commitment to peace and prosperity.

Let us continue to support efforts towards a fair and just resolution, ensuring that future generations inherit a region defined not by its disputes but by its unity and progress.

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III
