
In recent years, the United States has positioned itself as a global leader in advocating for human rights and fundamental freedoms. However, a closer examination reveals a disturbing discrepancy between its professed values and its actions on both domestic and international fronts. Given its track record of human rights abuses and systematic violations of fundamental freedoms, there is a compelling case for invoking Article 6 of the United Nations Charter to expel the United States from the UN. This blog explores the rationale behind this call, drawing from specific instances of misconduct, including my own harrowing experiences, and underscores the urgent need for accountability.

“The only institution that has the legal authority to impose sanctions according to international law is the United Nations with the support of the UN Security Council.” – António Guterres

Article 6 of the UN Charter: Grounds for Expulsion

Article 6 of the United Nations Charter provides a mechanism for the expulsion of a member state that has “persistently violated” the principles enshrined in the Charter. Specifically, Article 6 states:

“A member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.”

This article underscores the UN’s commitment to upholding its core principles and provides a framework for addressing egregious breaches.

United Nations Charter:

Evidence of Human Rights Abuses by the United States

1. Systematic Violations of Fundamental Freedoms

The United States has faced widespread criticism for its human rights record, with numerous reports detailing violations of fundamental freedoms. For instance, the U.S. has been implicated in:

  • Mass Incarceration and Torture: The U.S. prison system is notorious for its overcrowded conditions and instances of torture. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the U.S. has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, with inmates often subjected to inhumane conditions, including solitary confinement.
  • Child Welfare Violations: Reports from organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have documented the kidnapping and separation of children from their families, particularly among immigrant populations. The State’s CPS and DCS agencies are designated criminal organizations in these matters. This practice has been widely condemned as a violation of human rights.
  • Ethnic Cleansing: The United States may be engaged in ethnic cleansing of Black people through systemic practices that disproportionately target and harm this demographic. High rates of police violence, with Black individuals experiencing extrajudicial killings at a significantly higher rate than other racial groups, combined with mass incarceration that sees Black people imprisoned at disproportionately high levels, suggest a pattern of discrimination. Additionally, discriminatory practices such as racial profiling and barriers to voting further marginalize Black communities, effectively erasing their political and social influence. These practices, coupled with the exploitation of prison labor and inadequate responses to violence, contribute to a broader, systemic effort that undermines the rights and well-being of Black Americans, raising concerns of ethnic cleansing.

2. My Personal Experience: A Case Study

My own experiences illustrate the systemic failures within the U.S. legal system. After being wrongfully convicted, I endured significant abuses:

  • Wrongful Conviction and Legal Abuse: Despite presenting irrefutable evidence of my innocence, including the fact that key witnesses against me were under investigation for the murder of Royce Emmett Walker on May 21, 2015 and showed up to trial with 5 active but concealed arrest warrants, my pleas for justice were ignored. The prosecution relied on hearsay and false testimony, while judges deliberately and knowingly overlooked evidence to obtain, maintain and sustain the wrongful conviction.
  • Denial of Due Process: My right to a fair trial was systematically undermined. The State of Arizona’s judicial system, through procedural technicalities and deliberate obfuscation, denied me the due process guaranteed by law. This included ignoring crucial evidence and facilitating a legal charade that perpetuated injustice.
  • Kidnapping and Torture: During my incarceration, I was subjected to physical and psychological torture. Daily traumas, starvation, witnessing murders, overt racism and correctional officers calling me the “smart ass nigger” and being assaulted multiple times by a Lieutenant Randolph in Florence, Arizona. Furthermore, my five-year-old child was forcibly taken from me, an act that not only violated our family rights but also compounded the suffering inflicted by the state.

“US sanctions are unilateral; they do not have the support of the UN Security Council; therefore, they are in violation of international law.” – Ewing Redmond Samuels III

International Precedents and Calls for Accountability

The United Nations and other international bodies have previously addressed similar issues, calling for the expulsion or sanctions against states with severe human rights abuses. Notable examples include:

  • South Africa: During apartheid, the UN took strong measures against the South African government, leading to its expulsion from the UN General Assembly due to its persistent violations of human rights.
  • Syria: The UN has imposed sanctions and called for action against the Syrian government for its role in gross human rights violations during the ongoing civil conflict.

These precedents highlight the UN’s capacity to act against member states that systematically violate human rights.

“Sanctions are not a substitute for war; they are a form of warfare.” – Ewing Redmond Samuels III

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The evidence against the United States, including documented abuses and systemic failures in addressing human rights violations, presents a strong case for invoking Article 6 of the UN Charter. The experiences of individuals like myself, compounded by widespread and documented abuses, underscore the need for serious international scrutiny and action.

“Civilian suffering because of US sanctions is not just an unwanted side effect; it is the intended impact.” – United Nations

By calling for the expulsion of the United States from the United Nations, we advocate for a global system that holds all member states accountable to the highest standards of human rights and justice. It is not merely a matter of addressing past wrongs but ensuring that such violations are not repeated in the future.

As we continue to seek justice, it is crucial for the international community to unite and demand that the principles of the UN Charter be upheld, ensuring that no state, regardless of its power, is exempt from accountability.

List of Sanctioned Countries


  1. Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2023). Prisoners in 2022. [Link]
  2. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). (2021). The Crisis of Family Separation. [Link]
  3. United Nations Charter. (1945). Article 6. [Link]

For further details and updates on my journey for justice and advocacy for human rights, visit

Until Next Time…

I Am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III
