Embracing China’s Ascent: Navigating the 21st Century’s New Landscape

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No amount of media propaganda can change the reality that the 21st Century belongs to China.”

Ewing r. samuels III

The 20th Century: America’s Era of Dominance

Reflecting on history, it’s evident that the 20th century belonged indisputably to the United States. With its economic prowess, military might, and cultural influence, the U.S. dominated the global landscape, shaping the world in its image.

China’s Meteoric Rise

As we stand on the precipice of a new era, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the dynamics of power are shifting, and the winds of change are blowing in China’s favor. China’s rise has been nothing short of meteoric. In just a few decades, it has transformed from a primarily agrarian society into an economic juggernaut, boasting the world’s second-largest economy.

Challenging the Media Narrative: Myth versus Reality

But what about the media narrative that often portrays China’s rise as a threat to the established world order? Let’s call it what it is: propaganda. Yes, there are legitimate concerns and challenges that come with China’s ascendance, including issues of human rights, geopolitical tensions, and economic competition. However, it’s crucial to put these concerns into perspective. And remember the ‘established world order‘ is not for the benefit of all, but a chosen few.

A History of Hypocrisy: Lessons from the Past

When we examine history, it’s essential to acknowledge that no nation is without fault. The United States and the United Kingdom, for example, were never initially feared as threats, yet they introduced slavery (Afrikans), genocide (Native Americans), torture (prisoners), wars with nuclear bombs (Hiroshima and Nagasaki), and nefarious activities against sovereign peoples. In contrast, China has no history of such actions on a global scale.

Personal Reflection: My Experience in the Global Context

As someone who has experienced the complexities of global power dynamics firsthand, I can attest to the fact that neither I nor my family have ever been violated by any Chinese individuals in my entire lifetime. My case serves as a reminder that geopolitical tensions should not overshadow the shared humanity that binds us all.

In the I.C.E. facility (CORE CIVIC) in Eloy, Arizona, I witnessed hundreds of Chinese, Afrikans, and Middle Easterners being violated, only because of being from ‘elsewhere‘. I became friends with a Chinese man, named Mr. Shue, only because I speak a little Mandarin-Chinese, and the facility for the U.S. government provided him no translator for assistance. I told the facilities supervisor that Mr. Shue had diabetes numerous times, and they ignored him countless times, until he had a ‘code red’ on the recreation field, dealing with 115 degree Arizona heat.

Mr. Shue died in Eloy, Arizona in 2023.

Embracing Change: Opportunities for Collaboration

Instead of succumbing to fear-mongering and xenophobia, we should recognize the inevitability of China’s rise and seek to understand its implications. Embracing China’s emergence as a global powerhouse opens up a world of opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and progress.

Shaping a Collective Future

As we look ahead, it’s essential to acknowledge that the 21st century is not a zero-sum game. China’s rise does not automatically spell the decline of the United States or any other nation. Rather, it signals a shifting paradigm in which multiple powers coexist and cooperate on the world stage.

Conclusion: Building a Harmonious World

In conclusion, the 21st century belongs to China, just as the 20th century belonged to the United States. No amount of media propaganda can change that reality. But instead of fearing this change, let’s embrace it as an opportunity to build a more interconnected, prosperous, and harmonious world.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of exploration and discovery. Until next time…

I am,

Ewing Redmond Samuels III



All stories by: vprxncte